Chapter 2 - Scars and Souvenirs

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A.N: Okay so not every chapter will be as long as the first chapter, but I am going to try. This chapter won't as she won't be at the dinner. She still needs a nickname so suggestions people. I will take them into account. Also, who should be the one to think of the nickname. Don't forget to add the reason why.

Izzy was ranting about George's marriage to Callie but I'm not paying attention as I wasn't involved and don't know enough about either of them.

"What do you think Rosalind?" she asks me jolting me out of my thoughts about dinner.

"Not getting involved don't know enough," I admit shrugging.

"That makes sense. Would you judge Rosalind's decisions if you don't know anything about them?" Meredith asks her defending me when Izzy seems to frown.

"Good point Meredith," Izzy smiles before turning to me. "What about you Rosalind? love life? babies? boyfriends? the reason why you left your last hospital? crazy family?"

"Heard most of the attendees here are top of their field. Better for my personal life and I'm not answering the other questions," I answer her. "Also, one of my attendees tried to come onto me and I decided to move," I add to appease her.

"So you don't approve of interworking relationships?" Izzy asks hesitantly looking at the other two who are silent.

I sigh and lean against my locker, "No that's not what I am saying at all. What I am against is someone using their position against an intern demanding sex in exchange they will let me do surgeries. Apparently, I would never see inside an OR otherwise. That. That I don't approve of."

"Oh my god!" Cristina exclaims. Making me smile grimly.

"Yeah," I nod knowing what she is thinking. "But relationships in the workplace eh, as long as it doesn't make your judgement screwed do whoever you want," I shrug.

"Rosalind I am starting to like you more and more," Meredith smiles and Cristina nods smiling and I smile a little confused.

Izzy sighs before explaining, "she sleeps with Dr Shepard and her with Dr Burke."

"Kudos," I nod, "Very handsome."

"We call Shepard McDreamy and Slone McSteamy," Izzy admits.

I burst out laughing, "That's hilarious. To their face?"

"No, but they know we do," Meredith explains amused.

"Oh, I am so going to do that to one of their faces for the fun of it," I laugh brightly.

"Technically you should get one too," Meredith points out, "All new doctors or transfers have one."

Cristina nods, "But what?"

"McPretty?" Izzy proposes. I scrunch my nose at that.

"McHot?" Alex inputs making me flick him.

"McBeauty?" Cristina tries and I shake my head

"McSexy," Meredith decides and I laugh.

"Alright, tomorrow night you guys are catching me up on all the hospital gossip. I will even buy the first round," I demand trying to change the subject.

"Liking more and more," Cristina says grinning, "But you are still getting a nickname."

"How are you doing?" George asks Meredith coming into the room.

"Okay, everybody, let's do this once. I'm fine. She's cremated, I picked out a beautiful urn, and she's hanging out in the back of my closet," Meredith announces.

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