Chapter 6 - Didn't we almost have it all?

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A.N: Enjoy obviously I don't own the series but the changes that happen due to Rosalind.

Rosalind POV:

We are all in Meredith's living room a little tipsy. I am making Meredith into a toilet roll bride. "I thought I was going to hate this party game thing but it is kinda great," Cristina says watching me and Meredith from her place on the floor while Callie writes on her hand. "Can we set her on fire after?" Cristina cheers.

Meredith glares at her, "No we cannot."

"These wedding vows are not going to fit here," Callie announces stopping her writing.

"Write smaller," Cristina offers with a shrug.

"Stay still as vow turned into cow."

"You don't need vows in your hand," Izzie speaks up, "when you get there, just speak from the heart."

"Izzie, the heart is an organ. It pumps, circulates blood, gets clots from time to time. It doesn't however speak," Cristina teases. Izzie just rolls her eyes, she had been a big downer all night. It was starting to annoy me really. "I will like being married it's just the damn wedding," Cristina huffs. All our pagers go off but Cristina.

"Party's over," I say helping Meredith get rid of the tissue paper.

"Damn mine didn't go off," Cristina mutters frowning at her pager, "piece of crap."

"You can do this right?" Meredith asks her as the others rush to the car.

"Become a piece of property? Sure looking forward to it," she jokes.

"No matter what you're walking down that aisle today," Meredith says before walking away.

"She needs you to go down that aisle," I say before running after the suggesting coffee stop before the hospital which is happily agreed to. Probably best we sober up slightly.


"Burke," Cristina says getting his attention as we all walk through the ER.

"I've got surgery," he tells her but quickly adds, "But it shouldn't take more than four hours, five tops." I spot Joe the bartender and his boyfriend Walter standing next to a bed with a pregnant woman. 

"I can scrub in," Cristina offers and I know she is desperate not to miss out.

Dr Montgomery comes over, "How's Rina?"

"Is that the pregnant lady with Joe and Walter?" I confirm recognising her from the check-up from earlier.

"I need a CT Angio, but I'm pretty sure it's a tear in her aorta," Burke answers Dr Montgomery, I frown knowing what that means. 

"Her heart is about to blow."

"Most dissecting aortas burst within forty-eight hours," Dr Montgomery points out.

Burke nods, "Which means we have less than twelve hours to fix it before she's dead."

"So you need me to get the babies out," she guesses.

"Then I can save her life," Burke confirms.

"You have an aortic dissection?" Cristina asks as she gets her hair into a ponytail.

"Hey, I promise I will make it to the chapel in time," Burke reassures her walking off. I realise he doesn't understand that Cristina isn't worried about that, she is worried about missing out on surgery. She didn't even mention the time.


I am charting with Meredith at a nurse table gossiping. When we hear Cristina behind us, "Meredith, Rosalind."

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