Chapter 14 - Where the wild things are

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A.N: I hope you enjoy. Let me know what relationship dynamic you want to see more of.

Also, I made uploads of the medical reasoning in this I apologise. I will try to do better but this is being written late at night.

I see the others rush into the Er putting on trauma gowns frantically going to the hospital bay and laugh to myself where I am helping dress a little boys burns in Trauma 1 with Mark. "something funny Dr Brook?" Mark questions tensely and I see the parents look appalled I was laughing.

"Apologies, it is my colleagues," I rush out with a weak smile, "We are all in a competition to win a prize and you have to do the most work. They all just rushed in but their case isn't big enough for all of them."

"A competition for surgery?" David's (the little boy) mother clarifies. I nod hesitantly.

"Why are you in here then you need to win!" David urges pushing my hands. I smile down at him.

"Because I have my very own superhero to help in here which is much cooler and earns wayyyyy more points," I exaggerate, "You aren't going to kick me out for someone else are you?"

"Never!" he says sticking his arm out again and wincing so I go back to cleaning the wound.

Mark chuckles speaking up from his place near his feet, "Careful there superhero you don't want to make it any worse." David had decided he was a superhero and run through the small firepit they had going for a BBQ, injuring his feet, legs and lower arms. Luckily it wouldn't scar too bad as he is young. Though he had been very upset that his superhero suit was ruined.

Once I clean the wounds Mark sends me off to go find Bailey who is rushing through the halls. "Dr Bailey, where do you want me?" I question.

"Brook, go do your peds rotation and scrub in if they need you if not go to the pit," she orders. I follow her and see Cristina and Alex stitching up a guy with a lot of scars.

"What the hell happened?"

"Bear attack," Dr Webber answers and I send him a small smile. I look over their stuttering.

"You guys are slow," I scoff and leave.

"Shut up Rosalind!" they both yell. I grin and walk to the peds department.

I go up to the nurse's station and grin making the main nurse Kelly smile fondly, "Looking for surgeries? or checking on patients?"

"Can it not be both?" I ask cheekily checking some charts. She laughs and looks around.

"Okay don't tell anyone I told you but there is a kid that has just come in and no one knows what's wrong with her. She is completely lucid and normal and then suddenly she can't control her limbs but it isn't a seizure. They have tried looking at a scan of her brain and it is all her limbs. They even tried psychologists but no luck. It wasn't too bad only once in a while but they are becoming an almost daily problem and they have brought her in after one this morning."

"A medical mystery," I grin and take the chart offered, "I will bring you coffee after lunch." I read the chart while walking down the corridor to the room. I knock on the door and see a little girl around five with two women and roughly a 12-year-old boy. "Hi, I'm Dr Brook I hope you don't mind but I am having a look at Emma this morning," I introduce offering my hand to the women.

"Hi thank you, I'm Claire and this is Georgia we are Emma's mom's," the slightly taller woman with red hair introduces. I smile and look at the boy.

"I'm Jake. Are you going to fix Emma?" he asks sitting on the chair next to her. I grin and grab the stool before wheeling over next to the bed.

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