Chapter 15 - Piece of my heart

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A.N: Hope you like it. 

Rosalind POV:

"My first day! My clinical trial, my baby, all grown up," Meredith cheers coming over to us girls. I give her a small smile happy for my friend even if I am slightly jealous.

"Yeah, nobody cares about your clinical trial or your sick, sick terminal patients," Izzie shoot back.

"Hey, I do! I'm excited. It is fascinating and I do love neurosurgery," I defend Meredith happy she is cheerful today, especially as we all know the realities of Meredith's trial losing some patients. "And, you, Izzie, are just jealous." I giggle at Izzies pout.

"Well, yeah."

"Anyone can come up with a clinical trial. I could come up with a clinical trial," Cristina complains obviously still bugging out about Hahn, "Not that it would matter cause Hahn wouldn't sign off on it. You know. she won't even talk to me?"

"She always enjoyed talking to me," Izzie answers, shrugging. At that Cristina perks up.

"Really? About what?"

Izzie smiles evilly, "About her hopes and dreams. And then we'd braid each other's hair."

"Well, I know she's not the warmest person ever but she's actually not bad. I mean, when she met me she was kinda mean but when I went out for drinks with her and Callie the other day,  she was pretty nice," I inform her. The woman was a bit stand-off at first but the alcohol helped her loosen up.

"At least I'm not in the clinic all the time," Cristina sighs. Before perking up. "You could use your sparkle pager to get me in on Hahn's surgery today," Cristina asks Meredith and me.

"And you really think that'd make you like her more?" I scoff shaking my head.

At that, Cristina tries to get the pager out of my lab coat, making Izzie yell. "Sparkle pager stealer!"

Grabbing back the pager, I flick Cristinas head with a glare, "Stop stealing my pager! Anyway, I gotta go, Addison is back and I'm scrubbing in on her surgery."


"Brook!" I hear from behind me and turn to see Addison.

"Addison! You're back," I smile and hug her. We had gotten close as I am friends with Callie so I got to know her and I didn't get involved with any of the Derek, Meredith, Addison and Mark drama.

She pulls back and starts to walk with me, "Only for this case. But I thought I could steal you as my resident."

"Alex was busy huh?" I question and she looks at me confused, "He's my person I know everything."

"Oh god," she groans hanging her head, "No I didn't want him even if Hahn did take him. I wanted to steal you because I know Mark has kept you bored on his service."

"So true," I agree and take the chart she offers. "Oh wow, growing outside of its chest that's rare."

"Very rare," she agrees, "We are having a conference meeting now." I nod and follow her lead.


A meeting is going on with the team that has been set up to help a baby's that heart is growing outside its body. The chief is even involved in the high-risk surgery we are about to attempt. "The baby's heart is growing outside of his body, Cristina explains to the few interns that had been brought in to observe the meeting.

"Less than two hundred cases have been reported and only a handful have survived," I continue closing the chart looking up at the other doctors.

"I've seen one of these cases ten years ago where one of the babies squeezed its own heart and died," Addison informs us causing the interns to look shocked while Bailey gets understandably upset.

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