Chapter 7 - A change is gonna come

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A.N: New interns!!! Hope you like this and enjoy it.

The others had explained that they are going to use the same rules as Bailey for their interns and I had to agree some of them are really good. Though I don't want to be a hardass I want to be a good attending like my original one, so I will make sure they know to come to me if they needed help. The others caused most of their problems by not going to someone that can help them.

I hear a cough behind me and turn around to see three interns standing there. "Halley, Scott and Guzman?" I ask politely. They nod and I smile slightly. "Good, I hoped so. I have six rules unlike the other attendings five. You will memorise them," I inform them sternly turning back round to get my files. "Don't bother sucking up it won't work I judge on your skill not how much I like you. That won't change. Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers, nurses will page you," I tell them pointing to the items and moving back so they can collect them. "You will answer every page at a run. That's rule number two your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours, you are interns the runt's nobodies. Bottom of the surgical food chain you will run labs, write orders and work every second night until you drop. Don't complain! Especially not to nurses. You respect the nurses like no other, they will help you out. They have more experience than people think. You want them to like you, because who knows they may even page you first for a cool surgery. So if I find out you are rude to nurses you best run away. Rule number three when I am sleeping don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying, attendees and doctors will hog the beds not always to sleep. Sleep is rare. Bringing us to rule four the patient better not be dead when I get there as if you killed someone you also woke me for no good reason," I say stopping by the emergency room and letting them time to finish.

"The last two?"

I nod, "The last two. When I move you move." They look scared but nod. "Rule six. Make sure to learn as much as you can and get me to help you if you struggle but I won't baby you. I am here to make you competent independent doctors not dependent on others to help you with everything."

With that, I push into the ER doors so they open and point to the gowns for the interns to put on. "Okay. We need to put on some trauma gowns, people," I order. "In these kinds of trauma situations everyone is in the ER you do what is asked and stay out of the way as much as possible because it is a place where people run. This is where it matters most as what we do here to stabilise them could be the difference between life and death. But do your jobs and keep people as calm as you can and try to keep them quiet if they are the family and they have explained what has happened," I instruct helping one of my interns tie their gown and turn around so they can do the same for me while I tie another up. "If you haven't read protocol then try to stay out of the way and learn and observe. Ask me questions but if I don't answer it is so the patient won't get stressed as the answer will stress them out. Try not to repeat the question or it makes the patient question as well," I explain going to the ambulance bay.


I got put on a case where the guy has a bad leg and keeps asking to eat something. I motion for all the interns to follow me outside. "Okay, we know it's not exciting and we are letting you fly solo here in our own way. So you can either observe or if you trust yourself enough you can help out the nurses in the ER with the less serious patients that need stitching or diagnosing. Never know there could be a surgery in there somewhere for you to assist with," I instruct not wanting to bore them too much as I know from my first day they are anxious. They exchange small smiles that you can see are nervous but excited. I smile at that knowing they are happy to be here and I haven't scared them too much. "I realise you guys don't know what to do yet so you will learn what you can and tonight we can go over what you need to and maybe once a week either go to the skills lab or go over things you don't get. Though if you have questions ask, but please not silly ones in front of a patient," I roll my eyes at the end.

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