Chapter 5 - Testing 1-2-3

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A.N: Skipped the last episode. Sorry it is so short

We are all standing around watching them work on the mountain climbers they found. I had brought some revision cards with me as they will find out we are here even though we aren't supposed to be. Hopefully, the revision excuse will be brought. Izzie seems to be having the same thoughts as me, "We're supposed to be studying. If Bailey finds us down here."

"We are studying or at least McSexy is," Cristina says glancing at me standing next to her watching the doctors.

I shake my head, "I don't really need to it's more for an alibi than anything."

"Where have you been you didn't study at Meredith's last night?" Alex asks.

I shrug not looking away from the climber, "I have some friends from my old hospital to study with." Lie, but they don't need to know that.

"How do you treat frostbite?"

"Rewarm, avoid early surgery unless there is a deep infection because of auto amputation," George answers.

Cristina turns to Izzie, "See studying." There are screams from inside. "Did you see that?"

"That was freaky," Izzie agrees.

"I think that was a fail chest. I haven't seen one before. Why does today have to be test day?" Cristina whines.

Meredith and I agree, "I know." I turn to her, "Mer, maybe talk to the Cheif, he'll let you take the test later. I mean, these are extraordinary circumstances, I'm sure he'll understand."

"I don't need to take the test later," she denies. I just nod knowing she won't change her mind.

"What are you fools doing here?" Dr Bailey shouts making us turn to see she had found us. "In a few hours, you people are taking the test that will determine the course of your entire medical career, because the five interns with the lowest test scores will be cut from the programme. But are you studying for the test?"

"Yes," I say picking up the cards. She looks at me and assesses me.

"I don't fully trust you but go somewhere else to do it," she orders. "Now! Before I throw you out!" We all run away this time.

"Well done McSexy," Cristina says making me shake my head laughing


I am going through some papers ready to walk to the locker room when I see Meredith's father stumble in. Meredith goes over to him I can't hear what's happening but I can see that the man that came through is drunk and talking to her. I do hear 'you killed her she trusted you.' The woman with him pulls him out of the room. By the time I am in the locker room to go to the test, I have found out that Meredith's father told her to not come to the funeral.

"Meredith I know I don't know you that well so I am only going to say. You need to focus on the exam so that you can help people in the way we as a hospital and healthcare professionals couldn't help Susan," I say. She looks up at me worried.

"But what if I make everything worse?"

"Well from here the only way to go is up," I shrug before walking out the room.


I go into the exam room with all the other interns. I sit down at my desk trying to drown out Cristina's last-minute tip of choosing B. All I focus on is the clock and for the words that let me know, I can start.

I realise that I know this and it isn't as terrifying as I thought it would be. Even with my memory I always worry about tests.

When we come out I am slightly behind the others. Meredith had already gone by the time I reached them. "She didn't write anything down," George says and I realise I missed part of the conversation.

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