Chapter 18 - Losing my mind

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A.N: I apologise for being MIA. I needed to focus on work to complete courses and I had no motivation to write. Was going through a low phase. I will try to update more but might not be able to for a while longer. I never like the idea of doing author note chapters so just wrote it here so you guys can have another chapter. I will try to write little sections of the chapters when I can. Hope you all enjoy it. I haven't been on wattpad since June so this took me some time to do. 

Rosalind POV:

Meredith and I had been grabbing a coffee when we heard Walter Tapley was in the hospital and George is guarding the room. So obviously when we had our coffee we went looking for George. Finding him in front of a hospital room. So we casually walk up to him.

"Tapley in there?" Meredith asks trying to make it seem casual.

"No," George responds not blinking.

We both glare at him. "Liar," Mereith states.

"Really George you want to lie to us?" I scoff shaking my head causing him to wince. Callie appears out of nowhere holding Cristina. She grabs Meredith's arm before walking away, causing me to yelp when Mer grabs my arm to bring me along to the conference room with them

"Something is wrong with her," Callie exclaims looking stressed, I honestly think her eye is close to twitching.

Cristina fails her arm, "oh, no, it's not. I'm fine."

"She cleaned," Callie explains, "cleaned the apartment. Which she has no idea how to do, so she basically just pushed dirt around." I push my lips together so I don't laugh.

"Oh leave her alone," Meredith interrupts, "not everybody has to be happy all the time."

I nod in agreement, "Yeah that's not mentally healthy, Cristina can process however she wants and we need to be supportive."

Callie stares at us obviously realising we aren't as concerned, "Walter Tapley's here and she doesn't want to meet him."

I wince, "oh god, that's not good."

"You know Torres mind your own business," Cristina says upset.

"You ... you need to get help," Callie tells her with a glare, "You're killing me." I have to laugh to myself when Callie leaves.

"If you hang out until Hahn gets here, you might get to meet Tapley," Meredith tries.

Cristina rolls her eyes, "I don't give a damn about Tapley."

"I must have heard that wrong," I mutter shaking my head.

"Cristina, are you in the dark place?," Mer asks her.


"Me too," Mer admits and I sigh.

"Christ, what am I going to do with you too."


"Good morning Mrs O'Cryan how are you this morning?" I ask as I come into my patient's room. She was a small 100-year-old lady with stage four bone cancer. She was in the hospital to deal with pain management. They had done surgery to remove the cancerous growth she had on her arm that appeared but it was awake as it was at less of a risk to her.

"I am fine lovey how are you?" She asks, "where are the littlens?" She means my interns but they come in the room just then making her wave.

"I'm fine Mrs O'Cryan," I answer going over and checking her IV bag, "how's the pain?"

"I've told you to call me Molly and it's fine," she admonishes shaking her head making her hair bounce. Even being 100 she still has very thick hair, she is proud of it and loves the nurse that washes it for her. Though always tells us that she can usually do it better and she always wants to wait for her family to do it, one of the nurses manages somehow. "Do you know who is visiting today?" She questions, "I hope it's not those good-for-nothing layabouts again. All they do is dirty my house and take my money."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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