Chapter Fifteen💖

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We all reassemble in the hall after sometime for the meeting earlier announced. I sat beside Rachel and Benita. As  soon as the hall was settled Isreal mounted the podium. "Good morning once again" he grinned from ear to ear. "Good morning! " We all unanimously replied him. "So  as I spoke earlier, the topic for  discussion is our graduation ceremony. "He paused scanning the hall for some time as if to gain some momentum before he continued. "What colour  of cloth are  we putting on?" He threw an open question. I never thought about this question  all this while. I turned sideways to see Amaka's  hand in the air signifying that she wants to speak. "Okay let's hear you  Amaka."He said.

She cleared her throat. Yes,  well I think green won't be a bad idea. She answers  sitting down with pride causing pandemonium. "Enough!  Please let's be matured. Instead of mumbling  raise your hands and contribute to the hearing of others please."He bellowed.  Sewa's hand came  into  view. " Okay Sewa let's hear you. " He said.
"I think that the green is superb .  It is really a brilliant idea. " She sits down like  a crowned queen. There are alot of other suggestions before I decide to air my own view.  "From what others have been saying,  well what I think is that gold  would be good for  the girls while black will be for  boys. "I seat as a round of applause fill the hall before coming to a halt."  Okay, do you all agree to what Edna said? "   I can see the frown on Amaka and her minions faces making me to laugh internally.  She stands up fuming,  I'm  so  surprised  the way all of you just accepted Edna's idea.  People have  been saying better things since and all you did is turn it down. Then  all of a sudden someone says something that doesn't even make sense and..." "It's okay Amaka please sit down so that other people can say something." Isreal says while the crowd supports him unanimously  as chants of Yes! fill the hall.

Amaka sinks into her seat covered in shame and
"Well since we are all in support of Edna's idea, gold and black it is then. "Isreal 's voice bellowed once more.
That signified the end of the meeting.


I hug my friends so dearly. They have really being supportive. We turn to look at a corner of the hall where Amaka and her minions are busy tearing their notebooks to almost shreds. One who saw her will never know she was embarrassed few minutes ago.

"Las, las school nah scam! ".
Sewa shouts throwing some of  the shredded papers into the air littering the place.

At corner some students bring out neatly ironed school unform shirts and  those around them use both markers  and pen to sign on the clothes.

Can you imagine the way Amaka and others were busy tearing their books in excitement? .
That was the last thing I would ever do in the name of celebration. Rachel says shaking her head slowly.
"You can't blame the girl,  that's her own way of celebrating" Benita cut in smiling faintly.

"Please let's go and eat in the canteen." Rachel say walking ahead of us.

We finally arrive at the canteen.  Today was a day we all looked forward to. It did not only signified the end of a junior secondary school; but it signified the beginning of a new phase in life.
We all sat on a round table. We all ate quietly in a matter  of minutes the jollof rice and chicken was all gone.
I gulped down water  from the bottle water.

"So what are you guy's planing to do in the holiday? "A faint tremor of amusement was on Benita's lips after asking.
"Talking about holiday, I will be taking  makeup lessons." Rachel declared with amused excitement.
"Well I will be going for dance training and fashion designing." I smiled bashfully after talking.  I and Rachel  turned to Benita .  Benita smile with fondness,  well I can't wait to become the  world's best baker.  I would be learning baking. She crinkle her eyes happily.
I'm happy everybody has something to do in the holiday.

After eating we went back to the hall for the principal 's speech.
"Good day students! " His deep voice echoed across the hall.
"Good day Sir! "We chorused.
"Today you have concluded your external exams. Congratulations to you all. "He paused adjusting the position of his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"Thank you Sir."We exclaimed.
"You still have about two to three months left before the commencement of a new academic session. I urge each and every one of you to use it wisely. Also do not ignore your studies,  begin your revision on SSS1 first term  work.  You will be informed when your exam result is out. "He admonished.

"Congratulations once again. " He said his lips curving into a smile.

"Your class teacher will soon be here to give you a circular for your parents." He concluded leaving the podium.

Few minutes later, our class teacher Mr. James came to give us the circular and then we were  free  to  go home.

I, Benita and Rachel walked to the gate. We hugged each other and said our good byes. I walked up to where my driver was waiting for me at the car park.

"Good afternoon sir."I   greeted as I entered the car.

"Afternoon Edna. How is school?
"Fine sir. "I responded joyfully .
He turned on the ignition and the car was set in motion.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for your support. Enjoy your week.

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