Chapter Fourteen💖

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My ringing phone on my bed makes me go get it. It's my sister Edith. It's being a long time since we spoke last. I put the phone to my ear." Hello sis! " I chuckle lightly. "Kaima how far? "Edith's soft voice came slowly."I am fine. "I answered holding  my hair with my left hand. " It's really been a while since we spoke. So how is everything? "She questioned. This time I fiddled with my earring. " Fine, it's just the usual school stress. It has  not been easy. "I replied. "I can relate. " She said in a soothing voice.
" So how are you doing I'm school? "I asked shifting the discussion to her. "School  is  fine. I am done with my project and every other thing. In no distant time I would be a Bsc. holder. "She giggled. "Congratulations, big sis. I am so happy you made it. I'm  sure mum and dad will also be happy."I stated.  "Thank you, speaking about them hope they are all fine?" She pointed out. "They are fine." I remarked resting my back on the headboard of  my bed. "Okay, do send my regards to them." She instructed. I could picture her drawing her ear for emphasis.  "Okay sis, later bye." I took my phone off my ear meekly.


The cool breeze of the morning  woke me up this morning. I slept a bit earlier yesterday. How time flies!  Today is going to be my last JSCE paper. I jump out of bed to prepare for school. I went to my parents room to greet them. "Good morning dad, Good morning mum. "I say genuflecting. "Good morning Edna how was your night? "They both chorused. "Fine."I replied .  I went back to my room to get ready for school.   
In a couple of hours the exams will be over. I had boiled yam and fried eggs at the dining table. After gulping a glass of water for breakfast, I wiped my mouth with a serviette paper. Waving at my mum, I put on my backpack. I open the door and shut it behind me advancing towards the waiting car. I greet the driver and he  replies turning   on  the ignition . He put the car in motion and we move..

At school students formed reading groups in the big hall for exams. I sat with my friends making final revisions for the days exams. Israel stood on the podium, clapped his hand and cleared his  throat to attract attention. After a short while, he finally begins to talk. I like his crowd control quality. "Good morning  everyone,  our graduation would be coming up in a couple if weeks an we need to make some discussions about our dressing /attire and others. So please let's all wait behind after the last paper today." He concludes in a matured manner walking away from the podium after passing across his message. The hall becomes noisy as mumbling fill the air. Amaka and her minions assemble to discuss their latest gossip clapping their hands in a funny way and speaking in hushed voices.

My pen moves softly  and steadily on the exam paper. I look at my wrist watch making me realize that I have more than  30 minutes to go. The exam was quite easy as most of them were repeated from the past questions. After going through my entire script for the hundredth time. I  wait for the time to elapse. The exam has been on for about three weeks now .It has been really stressful writing this exam.Can you believe I have even  lost  weight because of the  exam? Mum says it's because of stress.Talking about mum,  she has been supportive she helps  me with my chores most of the time in order for me to have enough time for revision.
In a short while the external examiner spoke." Get ready to submit!  Pens up! " He ordered going round the hall stopping at intervals at each desk to collect each person's script. That signified the end of the last and final paper.
We all rushed out of  the the big hall jubilant that we had finished our exams." Congrats guys! "I inched my cheeks happily at Benita and Rachel. "Same to you   Edna" They both respond  giggling at me.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Am sure you are happy, Edna is finally graduating from Junior Secondary School.
Keep your comments coming let me know how you feel about the chapter.

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Light to my life (On Hold) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora