Chapter Thirteen💖

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My sincere apologies for the late update🙇🙇, recently I have been busy. I'm back and and would try my best to update more frequently❤️❤️.
Please tag your friends to read this book I would really appreciate it🙏🙏. To all those that have been voting and commenting, may God bless you enormously🤗🤗.
Happy new month guys🎉

Luckily they are both online. Immediately the call is connected their beautiful faces display on my screen.

Hi Rachel. I greet them grinning from ear to ear.
Hey Edna, how are you?  Rachel asked. I itched the back of my ear before replying "Am fine." 
"Benita have you checked your result?" I cocked my head in question.
"It isn't what I was expecting.. she replied slowly before trailing off.
The network is terrible, i cant see or hear from them anymore. Eventually the call is terminated. But what must have happened? 
I pace around my bed. I just hope all is well. The network is  bad making it impossible  for me to call back. 
I'm a bit scared if Benita didn't pass this time around. She wasn't that brilliant academically and her quest to get better was what made us friends. I love her determination. We all strived to do better this term but maybe something might have happened again, she has a retentive memory problem.

My mum is in her room.  I'm  done cooking dinner.  My dad was yet to see my result. I sat down  in the sitting  room watching telemundo. A knock comes at the door. I open the door slowly to see my dad.  Perhaps I was so engrossed in watching  TV that I didn't hear the sound of his car driving in. I hug him in excitement." Good evening dad" I greet  collecting his briefcase. I then  walk ahead of him into the house . 

We all sat down at the dining table. I swallowed a ball of fufu with Egusi soup on it.  Everybody was enjoying it. "Thank you Sir Thank you ma." I greeted after taking a glass of water. Greeting after meals is a family culture I was brought up with.
  I quickly washed the dishes after dinner skillfully in the kitchen.  My dad was seated with my mom in the parlour peering into my result when I entered.  "Congrats Kaima, I'm very proud of you my lovely daughter". My dad said  with amused excitement.
"Thanks Dad", I reply with a broad smile. My dad danced about  in a funny manner to portray his happiness. He does this whenever he is very happy. "Oya come and give  daddy a hug". He say spreading out his hands. I run into his waiting hands. He gives me a bone crushing hug.
"Don't worry dear, I will  give you a surprise gift soon. " He says as I pull away from the hug as he release me.
"Okay dad", I chuckle silently.
I walked up the stairs to my room. I change into my night wear after taking a shower.

* * * *
The whole class is quiet . I'm happy writing my JSCE exam for the first time in my life ,I hope this will be the last  JSCE exam. The shame Obinna got was so bad.  It was unimaginable . It made him isolate him self from people.But guess what ? I have forgiven him. I tried to counsel  him towards  doing his best in this exams. Ever since that incident, there has been continuous sensitisation on examination malpractice.

The exams has really being stressful. My tutor has also been up and doing, I solved my past questions more often. My mom keeps using my weight to tease me. "Kaima, the exam has really taken a toll on you oo. See the way you have lost weight. Anyway after the exams you will  get yourself."
I didn't even have time for leisure activities. Most of the times  I'm always occupied with my books.

I look outside the window of the classroom; the sky is gloomy and it is making it look darker. The clouds are heavy and in a short while there  might likely be a heavy downpour.

The exam  has really being stressful  We are all at our reading spot in school revising for the exam. So tell me how did your mock results look like?" I raised my eyebrow at them questioningly.

"I had four C's, five B's and three A's" Benita gushed with excitement. "Wow,  congratulations dear! " I  patted her back fondly. Benita and I turned  our gaze towards where Rachel was seated. "Well I had,  three C's,    
Five B's and four A's" She replied her eyes gleaming with happiness.
"I am so happy for all of us we made it. It's  not been easy but we have to do more in the forthcoming JSCE  exams" I said with a graceful readiness and vigour. 

"Thanks alot for all  your support" Benita say in an appreciative tone  and hold  my hand and Rachel's in hers. I and Rachel nod and smile at her. "Don't mention, that's why we are friends" I said winking at her.

"Please let's begin  our revision, so that we can finish before the exams start". Rachel said with wide eyes.

"So Benita, can you define fish pond".  I asked with a calm voice facing her direction. She defines it correctly. " Correct! " I ticked  her answer in the air affirming her response.  Rachel asks us random questions and we continue the circle until it is time for the next paper.

We all walked into the exam hall. "Good luck guys! " I  yelled. " Good luck Eddy! ". They chorused walking  away to their various seats. I looked around my seat to ensure that there  was nothing  around. Since Obinna's  incident I have been a lot more careful in the exam hall. He was given a permanent seat close to the teacher's  table. He was made to learn his lesson in a hard way.

I was through answering all the  questions in the question paper, all I did now was to cross check my answers again."

I feel good writing this exam. For   the record , it's not as tough as my school's internal exam. It is what my private tutor calls a classwork exercise.

"Make sure you are not in a haste to submit your answer sheet. You still have enough time before submission." Mr. Fred advised in a brittle tone. "Make sure that you fill in your name and other details correctly."He continued.
I looked towards the teacher's  table to see Sewa chewing on her pen cover.  The external supervisor was a female. It was the first day of the  external exams.  She sat quietly on the chair provided for supervisors observing the students.
"Pens  up!  "she yelled in her soft voice. I was happy the paper was over due to the fact that my stomach was already ringing bells. I was indeed hungry.

I walk out of the hall. I wait outside at a corner of the   hall for my friends to come out. We have finished with the papers for the day and would be allowed to go home.Someone taps my back. It is  Rachel and Benita comes trailing excitedly behind her. "Let's go get something to eat" Benita says walking ahead of us. "The soldiers in my stomach are already  rumbling . "Rachel complains frowning.
I roll on my bed. The day was tiring as usual.I needed to rest as my tutor would be here in a couple of hours.

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