Chapter 17: The Plan pt. 2

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    Hey Guys! Well, this is part 2 of The Plan. Weren't expecting that were you.



Kakazu POV

       Wait, what. "Sakura-chan, why are there cuts on your arms?" She stayed silent. "Why are there cuts on your arm?" I asked again, a little more demanding this time. She sighed, "Okay, so maybe I have a small problem." There came her sweet angelic, raspy voice saying a sentence that made us angry. "We can tell those are most recent. How long have you been doing this?" Kisame was angry too, he just kept it in. "Since I was 10 years old." Pein nodded. "Do you have any other pills you are supposed to take?" She nodded, "I have my anxiety pills and the pills for my insomnia."

Itachi POV

        "We should probably go report this to the police." I said so we wouldn't get to talk about a sensitive subject. Her head tilted in confusion, "what about school?" I told her that we called in sick when she was getting changed. She nodded her head. As was about to say something, my phone rang. I put it on speaker.

Me: Hello

Sasuke: Itachi, where were you last night.

Me: At Konan's

S: Well when are you coming back.

Me: As soon as we get Sakura moved into our house.

S: What are you talking about, Itach---?!?!

       I hung up. I never liked my brother.


Kisame POV

          While we were waiting for Kitten to get out of the investigation this crazy guy with an eye patch kept staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked him looking very confused. Then he tried to attack me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The crazy guy said, well, screamed trying to reach me. I freaked out and moved to the other side. The guys just laughed at me. They wouldn't be laughing if it happened to them.

Sakura POV

         "How long has this been going on sweetheart?" The guy asked the first question. I took a deep breath and spoke. "S-since i was 5 s-sir." Came my raspy voice. "Did you tell anyone?" I nodded, "m-my m-mom." They asked me other questions and I answered them honestly. Then, they asked me to show them bruises. I showed my arms, back, stomach, and my the back of my neck. Then my phone rang. "I-its my d-dad. Should I answer it?" He nodded. I put it on speaker.

Me: Hello


         I flinched at his tone.

Me: I wasn't feeling well.

Dad: Oh well, when you get home your really not going to feel well. I going to beat you so hard--!!!!

        Then I hung up. The police officer said, "Its good you skipped school to report this. I'll give you a note and excuse you from school. Let's take care of your dad now." We went back to the main office to see the guys, and we left.

Cliffhanger. I will update soon. C ya later, my gaters.


Overcome by DarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz