Chapter 34: Why Me?

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       I have not updated in forever. I don't know why.


Sakura POV

          I was just hanging there. Waiting. It seemed like I've been here a lifetime when in reality it's only been a couple of hours. I'm worried that they might not find me. I think I have the right to give up hope now. Then I heard a noise. I knew he was coming, but I decided long ago to just accept whatever fate has in store for me. Then he walked in. "Where are those 'friends' of yours huh?" I looked down, "not here..." I stated to him quietly. "I knew it. I knew they would abandon you. They weren't real friends, they just wanted a quick screw out of you from that pretty little body you have. But of course, you were too shy to give in, so they left." He smirked, and I just felt worse. "And you had so much hope they would help you. Your pathetic. Who would ever help a little brat like you." Then he walked out after spitting on me. There was something I realized while his saliva was slowly running down my face was that, he was right. Maybe that kiss Hidan gave me was simply to win my body over. Maybe Deidara sharing his bed with me was a way to get me to loosen up on him. All those words they said to make me feel better were just words, with no meaning to them. In that moment, I cried. I didn't care if he heard my moment of weakness. I cried for everything I didn't want to cry about. My father dying, the sexual harassment, my mom not caring, her being in jail, me being kidnapped by my own stepdad. I cried louder at the fact that I was never going to be able to tell him I liked him. Even if he would never like me back, I would say I love you It...SLAP. My thoughts were cut off by someone hitting me. I looked up and saw him standing there. "SHUT UP!!! I can hear you all the way upstairs." I whimpered and he unchained me and threw me to the wall. He kicked me in the stomach and I gasped, all the air being taken out of me. He kicked and punched, grabbing my hair and yanking me up towards his face. "Why do you have to be so disobedient?! When I tell you to shut up, do not make a sound!" With that I spit on him and he dropped me. I ran out the door and ran through the house. I looked and saw the front door. When I ran outside, I saw it was raining and we were in the middle of the woods. I didn't care, I ran not stopping. I tripped over a log and ended up rolling down a steep hill. All types of things cutting and bruising my sensitive skin. My clothes and everything was muddy and wet. When I stopped rolling I groaned in pain. I heard him yelling at me to stay where I was, but I refused to get caught. The metallic, liquid taste in my mouth told me that I bit my tongue. I ran even more but he caught my hair. "AHHHH!!!" He pulled and I remembered I had my pocket knife on me. I pulled it out and cut my hair (Who remembers that scene in Naruto?) Then I kept running. I looked behind me to see if he was back there, and I turned forward, only to get hit by a tree. I blanked out.

What is going on you guys, I know, been a while. I am back on track though. Well I'll see you LATER . BYEEEE. Oh and the picture is what Sakura's hair looks like when she cut it. Except it is still the teal color.

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