IChapter 10: OMG, My Teacher is a Pedophile

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Heeeeyyyyyy, my Advanced warfare army. How are you?.... ANSWER MEE!!!!


Well, that was embarrassing. On with the story!!!


Pein POV

          I can't believe our little blossom talked. I say that like she's a baby -_-. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!

Kakazu POV

          Money, money, money. Huh, oh. Sakura is cool, as long as she doesn't touch my money.

Zetsu POV

         Blossom-chan is great, so delicate, so delicious. She is so fragile and smells good, bet she tastes better. Black Zetsu stop it.

Itachi POV

        We finally made it to Physics. It is weird how many people (mainly boys) stopped to pinch MY Blossom-chans' cheeks. Ehem, I mean umm. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING TO ME!!

Sakura POV

        I sat down with all of them smiling when Dei-Dei said something funny. I then saw them scowling at someone. I turned to see a snakelike person. I wanted to scream but I did not want to be rude. "Hello, you musssst be the new sssstudent Ssssakura. I am Orochimaru-ssenssei." "She has an anxiety disorder sensei, un."


                         Time Skip.

Kisame POV

          Finally, its lunchtime. We all got our porkchops while Kitten just got a salad. She must be a vegetarian. "Hey Kitten, are you a vegetarian." "Yes Kisa-kun, I am." I nodded and looked at her. Bit instead I saw Sasuke and his friends glaring, we all smirked. 'Interesting,' I thought.

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