Background Info

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       Hi. This is my first writing so cut me some slack if you don't like :-).

Anyway, here is the info on our favorite Cherry Blossom.

"I like pie"- talking

'I like pie'- thinking

Inner Sakura speaking

Outer Sakura speaking with Inner


Obey_Simmi_:Shut up Inner!

Obey_Simmi_ does NOT own Naruto or any of the characters.

Sakura P.O.V.

Hi. My name is Sakura Haruno. I am 15 years old with long pink ombre hair (hot pink at the top, snow white pink as the other half) that goes to my hips, big emerald eyes, a little baby like face with pouty lips with snakebites and a button nose and black braces. I'm only 5'3, with D-cup sized breast, and curvy.

When I was 3 years old my dad died of a sickness and left me and my mother alone. After 1 year, my mom got over it and married to another man. I never liked him. When I turned 10, the abuse started. He said I was a poor excuse of girl, and I deserved to die.

I told my mother this but of course she didn't believe me because she was         " blinded by love."

Now, I have already suffered 5 years of abuse from HIM. We have moved from a village called Suki to Konoha, I will start high school, 10th grade to be exact.

There you go chapter done. Please review and give me any input or advice you can to help me. Flames are welcomed!!

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