Lost Again | Mirio Togata x Reader

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Ask: BRO YOUR IMAGINE WHERE S/O WAS KILLED AFTER THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE HER ABOUT THE CLONE THING WAS AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! can I ask for a part 2 or an Alternative ending? Where the body the police found wasn't the reader, they somehow find that the villains used the reader to transform her into a Nomu!! Like hearing her distorted voice blaming them PLEASE I WANT TO CRY MORE xdd

Length: 2k
Pronouns used: She/her

Warnings: Swearing, details of a murder.

This is part 2 to Disillusioned!!


The weeks following the incident with the villain were hard for the Big 3, especially Mirio. They hadn't been the same since meeting her... or him. They hadn't been the same since the day (f/n) disappeared, and it didn't go unnoticed. When the trio had brought up meeting the villain to the heroes, they were all extremely concerned.

The biggest concern was whether or not (f/n) was alive. Thanks to what the villain had said, the police had reopened (f/n)'s investigation, going so far as to exhume her body and have it tested.

Unfortunately, the results were the same. Multiple forensic teams had tested her DNA, but all they came up was natural DNA. Meaning the body they'd found was actually her. However, the villain had mentioned being able to create clones, what if this (f/n) was just a realistic clone? The reopening of the investigation stirred the public, causing a bit of backlash.

Why didn't they know the first time? Why did they exhume her body? Exhuming her body meant disrespect to the family. Why didn't they do a thorough investigation the first time? A young girl died and no one took it seriously until the Big 3 brought up the villain. How did no one realize the villain had kidnapped her? How come her family hadn't noticed?

The backlash was rough. Not only for the heroes but for Mirio and (f/n)'s family. They did their best to comfort Mirio and he did his best to comfort them. He'd apologized over and over for neglecting to see that (f/n) wasn't herself, but her family disagreed. Even they couldn't tell it wasn't their (f/n). The villain had perfectly portrayed her, to the point where it was terrifying. If they could do that, that meant the villain could be anyone.

The police quickly got the pro heroes involved with their investigation, doing everything in their power to find (f/n) or at least the villains who did this to her. They didn't have many clues to go on. There was only one thing that was extremely odd in her case.

Why did they clean her decapitated head?

The idea was baffling, why did the villains want her to be recognized? Cleaning the head meant people would easily identify her, barely any effort needed to be put in. When committing a crime, no one would want the victim to be recognized, yet here the villains were doing the exact opposite. It didn't make any sense.

However, as odd as that was, there wasn't anything concrete that led them to the killers or the original villain, who had kidnapped her. In fact, even a few weeks after, the police had little to no information on who was responsible.

"Mirio?" Tamaki called, seeing his friend enter Fat Gum's agency in his hero suit. Behind him, Nejire popped her head out. She gave him a wave as the three came close together, greeting each other.

"Hey, Tamaki. Good to see you." Mirio greeted, waving to his friend. Ever since (f/n)'s disappearance, Mirio hadn't been the same. He wasn't as cheerful, his smile always seemed forced, and there was always that lingering regret in his eyes.

The trio had been through therapy, and was still going in fact, but it didn't do much. Their change was drastic and only one good thing came out of all of this. It fueled their need to be heroes even more. They were much more aggressive, more willing to take risks, and always second-guessed anything they found even a little bit suspicious.

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