A Chance Encounter | Izuku Midoriya x Reader

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Yo! I hope that banner shows up because I made it and I'm kinda proud of it!

Length: 2.7k
Pronouns used: She/her

Summary: Izuku gets hurt and has to take refuge on your balcony. When you find him, you're quick to help him. He most definitely takes note of all the Deku merch you have in your bedroom. You finally get to meet your favorite hero.

Full Name: (y/f/n)
Quirk: (y/q)
Age: 25


Izuku winced as he grabbed his bleeding arm. He leaned against the wall, a deep frown on his face. He looked down at himself to see that he was a mess. His blood had started seeping through the tears in his suit. He could hear the villain getting closer, making him hold his breath as he hid behind a large dumpster. The blood dripped down his side and arm, the agonizing pain was difficult to ignore, but pushed through it.

Unfortunately, as much as he hated the idea, this time he'd have to retreat. When he was sure it was safe, he used his quirk and bolted. He could hear the villain yell and turned down the street, using the walls to hop around. Finally, he found refuge on a small balcony. He landed and quickly crouched down to hide. Due to his pain, he lost his balance and his back hit the sliding glass door. He winced and shut his eyes trying to breathe and calm himself.

Meanwhile, (f/n) shot up in bed, terror and worry written all over her face. Her panic flew through the roof when she saw a figure hunched on her balcony through her curtains. She almost screamed, but quickly clamped her hand down on her mouth.

It took her eyes a minute before they adjusted and she immediately recognized the suit. She'd been a huge fan of Deku and here he was on her balcony. Wait... was he hurt?!

Without thinking, she threw her bed sheets off and ran to the glass door. She pushed her curtains open, unlocked the door, and pulled it open. Izuku immediately shot up, ready to fight but breathed in relief when he saw a tired girl on the other side.

"A-are you ok?!" He immediately put a finger to his lips in an attempt to tell her to quiet down. She took the hint and started looking around, before gently urging him inside. Although he didn't want to put an innocent life in danger, he had no choice. As long as he wasn't spotted, he'd be fine. Izuku quietly followed her in and watched as she shut the door, locked it, and pulled her curtains closed.

(f/n) walked to the other side of the room and flipped her lights on, both of them winced at how bright they were. Izuku finally got a look at the girl, she was... beautiful, actually. His eyes trailed down and he almost smiled at what she was wearing. It was a cute little dress, with his hero suit printed on it. His emerald eyes looked around, his heart fluttering at what he saw. She had little figures of him, even some posters.

She was a fan? Just like him- well not like him. He was a little crazy when he was young, this girl only had a few things. Well... maybe a few more than he saw, because he caught sight of a couple of cute Deku plushies on her bed.

"A-are you ok? Wh-what happened?" At her words, pain shot through his arm, however, he gave her a bright smile and shook his head.

"Nothing. I'm alright, I'm sorry to bother you!" His smile was as wide as always, but (f/n) wasn't convinced. She could see how hard he was clenching his arm, it must've really hurt. She even saw the gash in his torso, not to mention the cuts and bruises on his face, chest, and arms.

"Y-you're hurt!" She argued, pointing to his arm, which he ended up hiding behind him.

"I'm ok, really! Please don't worry too much about it. I'm a hero, remember!" (f/n) cautiously approached, not wanting him to leave. She gently reached out and he watched her carefully but allowed her to touch him.

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