The Big 3 Plus 1 | The Big 3 x Powerful!Reader

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This is platonic! There is no romance in this one, I just really liked the idea of there being a student stronger than the big three. I guess I could make this into a romantic one or like a love square kinda situation, idk.
EDIT: There is now a part two!
Warning: mentions of depression

(f/c) - Favorite color
Length: 3.5k words
Pronouns used: She/her

Name: (f/n) (l/n)
Quirk: Energy Manipulation; user can control the energy in/around living and nonliving things
Age: 17
Hero Name: (h/n)


    (f/n) stood up and bowed to Nezu and then walked out of his office. She was supposed to meet the big three in a few days, how exciting. The big 3. The strongest hero students in Japan, destined to become top pro heroes when they graduated. Nezu thought she could work well together and maybe join the trio.

    The girl was opposed to joining them, she was used to working alone and that's how she preferred it. With her quirk, it was quite hard to have allies around. Yes, like The Big 3, she worked hard over the years to get a handle on it, but unlike a normal quirk, hers was always evolving. Her abilities were sometimes too much, ever for her.

    She pretended to be happy and excited to see them, but in reality, she didn't want to. She didn't care. She could be like Eraserhead. The pro-hero who works alone and isn't in front of the cameras the entire time. As the girl walked the hallways, she felt her quirk hit. She groaned as she leaned against the wall, her hand on her chest, her eyes shut tight. She took a few deep breaths and opened her eyes.

    (F/c) energy surrounded her and started to fill up the area she was in. She gritted her teeth and breathed in and out as she felt the shivers hit. No matter how much she breathed, it felt like it wasn't enough. She needed just a bit more but she couldn't have it. Her hand moved to her throat where she felt her quirk tighten. She slid down to the ground and clenched her fist, continuing her breathing. She raised her arms and waved them around in a practiced manner and finally felt the pressure leave her chest.

It took a few moments, but everything returned to normal. At times like this, she wasn't even sure if what she dealt with was real or not. Nothing hurt, but during the "attack", everything hurt. Her whole body ached and cried out in pain and she could do nothing about it. However, when it ended, it was like it never happened. She calmed herself, before fixing her hair and uniform, even though nothing was out of place.

    The girl continued to walk the corridor until she heard voices up ahead. A condescending smile made its way onto her face as she realized who they were. The big 3. Guess she was meeting them earlier than expected, if they even knew they were going to meet her. They were heading in the direction of Nezu's office, so maybe they didn't know yet. Either way, she was going to "introduce" herself.

    They were busy talking to each other as she approached them, stopping, blocking them as well. Tamaki shied away while the other two looked at her with bright smiles.

    "Wow, must be my lucky day. The Big 3. Japan's top hero students, considered to be at pro level already!" Her eyes traveled to Mirio. "One of them even a candidate for replacing All Might. It's an honor to meet you." Sarcasm dripped off of every word she spoke, but they ignored it. Mirio gave her a bright smile as he introduced himself.

    "I'm Mirio Togata! It's really nice to meet you."

    "I'm Nejire Hado! A pleasure to meet you!" The three looked at Tamaki who jumped a little, but they gave him a moment. (f/n) squinted as her piercing (e/c) traveled up and down his frame.


    "Tamaki Amajiki." She finished in a sharp tone. "Suneater; quirk: manifest." His head was down as he stared at the ground. He heard her footsteps approach him and his eyes widened as he met her eyes. She had leaned in closer to see his face. "You're much more intimidating in your hero costume." Standing up straight, she looked at the trio again. "Nejire Hado; quirk: wave motion. Last but not least, Mirio Togata. Quirk: permeation."

BNHA Oneshots & PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora