Pretty | Izuku Midoriya x Reader

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This was requested on Tumblr by an anon!

Ask: Can you do a request with Midoriya who has a girlfriend that struggles with her self image? Like she has this really pretty sister and she always compares herself to her and she can't understand that she naturally has a bigger body so she stops eating to be pretty like her sister?


It was hard to look in the mirror sometimes. Actually, all the time. (f/n) found it difficult to not hate the person staring back at her. She found it difficult to love what she had, why? It was all because of her sister. Her sister, (s/n), looked so much better than her. She had the slim waist, curves in all the right places, tiny, dainty hands, her hair, and skin were just flawless. She looked beautiful and (f/n) always felt so... uncomfortable next to her.

(s/n) was beautiful compared to (f/n), who always felt so out of place. (f/n) hated being in her own skin. Why couldn't she be pretty like her sister? Why couldn't she have that flawless skin, those cute little hands, that slim waist, the smaller figure? Why did she have to be the odd one out? Why did she need to be so ugly?

It was hard for (f/n) to deal with stuff like this. Whenever they'd get ready to go to out, (s/n) looked so perfect. (f/n) felt like shit next to her, to be honest. People would often shower (s/n) in compliments, while (f/n) received little to none. Sure, her parents would compliment her, but that didn't help much.

(f/n) finally had one good thing in her life, Izuku Midoriya. That boy was something else. He was so outgoing, loving, determined, and he was just something she needed in her life. For once, (f/n) had something (s/n) didn't... but that didn't last very long. As their relationship got longer, (f/n) started to feel unworthy of his love. She felt like she didn't deserve it, because why would Izuku like someone like her, when he could have someone like (s/n), instead.

However, instead of telling Izuku, she decided to take matters into her own hands, mostly due to the fear of losing Izuku. She used more beauty products to help her skin, she tried working with her hair a bit more. She decided to lose weight in an attempt to look more like (s/n). Anything. Everything to be pretty like her sister.

Izuku hadn't noticed at first, no one did. Every time (f/n) would skip a meal, she'd just lie and say she ate earlier or she wasn't hungry. However, Izuku started to catch on and pretty quickly too. After seeing (f/n) repeatedly reject meals, he decided to ask her about it.

"(f/n)?" Her (e/c) met his green ones, making him frown a little. (f/n) had been much tired recently, she'd been sleeping more, she'd been more sluggish and sick too. He could see it all on her face, and she didn't look ok. "Why haven't you been eating?"

"I'm not hungry, I already told you." She said, looking back down at her phone. Izuku knew better though and he was going to call her out on it.

"That's not true. You never eat around me, it's been so long since I've seen you eat a decent meal."

"I'm just not hungry, there's nothing wrong with that." She defended herself, looking away from him a little. Izuku moved to her, taking her hand and gently placing a kiss on it.

"What's really going through your head, baby?" She frowned, feeling the tears pool in her eyes. It was a sensitive topic and there were times where she didn't even want to think about it. But Izuku... he deserved to know.

"I... want to be pretty like (s/n)." He almost didn't hear her, but when the words registered in his mind, he frowned a little.

"What do you mean?" She sighed, desperately trying to hold her tears back.

"I want to be pretty like (s/n). I want to have hair like hers, a face like hers, I want to be thin like her... I just..." She paused as a tear slid down her cheek. "I just want to feel pretty." Izuku couldn't believe the words he was hearing. (f/n)... didn't think she was pretty? Why not? She was beautiful in his eyes.

He took her by the shoulders, his emerald green eyes gazing into hers. He stared at her for a few moments, as the tears slid down before he gently wiped them away. Not that it helped, but he didn't stop.

"You are beautiful."

"Y-you're lying..."

"Lying? Why would I lie to you?" He inquired, pushing her hair behind her ear. She weakly shrugged, looking down but he didn't let her. He took her face into his hands and made her look up at him.

"I... I want to be pretty. So... I'm not eating."

"Why do you think you not eating will help?"

"I get to be thin... like her." It made sense. In an attempt to lose weight, (f/n) had decided to not eat at all. She had limited all the junk foods she possibly could, but also chose to not eat any healthy foods. All she consumed was water. No wonder she'd be so sluggish and weak lately. Her body had no calories to burn for energy.

"Baby, that's not healthy," He started, taking her hands and kissing them. "Look at me. You are beautiful. You're so goddamn beautiful. I love the way your eyes sparkle when someone compliments you, I love the way your cheeks turn red when you blush, I love the way your hands look, I love your hair, I love your body, every single little curve it has no matter where, and I love you."

Izuku's words had brought an immense amount of comfort to (f/n) and it was difficult to understand at first. Why now? Why did they make her feel better now? Was it because she also got the disgusting emotions off of her chest? Was it because Izuku finally saw the real reason she had for doing this to herself and targeted that?

It didn't matter. In the end, she broke down crying and he was there to soothe her. He held her tightly as tears flowed down her cheeks, giving her every reason why he loved her.

That entire day, all Izuku did was compliment (f/n). The days following, he showered her in compliments, and for once, (f/n) didn't need to compare herself to her sister. He'd gotten her to start eating again and every single time she had any demeaning thought about herself, she went to him. He would spend hours telling her the opposite, helping her feel better every single time.

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