Fumikage Tokoyami x Injured!Reader

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Pronouns: Female

Name: (f/n) (l/n)
Quirk: (y/q)
Age: 25

It's short, I know, but I wanted to have something cute in here! MENTIONS OF BLOOD AND WOUNDS!

(f/n) was super excited to go spend some quality time with her boyfriend, Fumikage. Originally, they had planned to go out on a date, but the two preferred to just stay home and watch movies. Due to his hero work, he was usually not up until around 11 or 12 pm, however, for her, he was up at around 8 am.

She was planning on being there around 9 am, so the two had time to get ready. The girl had dressed up in (f/c) jeans and a (f/c/2) tank top with a cute cardigan (Or whatever you want to wear, you just need a jacket for this scenario), she chose to wear (shoes) to pair up with the jeans. Her hair was in her favorite style which was (hairstyle) and she paired up some matching accessories. While she was walking there, she decided to take a shortcut through the nearby forest trail. Usually, she'd have to walk around the entire thing and it would take her about thirty to forty minutes to go around, however, the shortcut only took ten. However, the girl wasn't really paying attention as she stepped around some boulders, leaving the trail.

For the most part, the trail was leading towards his house, however, at a certain point, it turns and starts leading away. So she needed to step off the trail. While she was on the trail, she texted Fumikage.

Hey, Fumi, I'm almost there

That was fast, you're not taking the shortcut, right?

No, I just left early is all, be there in a few

Because of how unsafe and dangerous the shortcut was, Tokoyami hated her taking that particular route. Of course, she never listened... until now. She was jumping across these boulders to get down since the trail ended at a decently high hill. As she jumped from boulder to boulder, her foot slipped and she fell right down, with some larger boulders falling onto her. She screamed as they fell on her, leaving her with cuts and bruises. Tears sprang to her eyes as she pushed them off to get up. She looked down at herself and there were a few cuts on her leg, but mainly a large gash right on her abdomen. She immediately thought back to all the times her boyfriend had warned her not to use the shortcut, including just a few minutes ago. She lied to him.

She sniffled as she took off her (jacket/cardigan) and pressed it to her wound, the immense pain causing tears to spill from her eyes. She cursed at herself for being so stupid as she sat down for a minute.

"Great... I don't even look cute anymore." She was tempted to walk back home, since it wasn't too far, but then again, he was expecting her soon. The girl tried to stand, but her legs buckled and she fell right back down. "Ok... just... a few minutes." She closed her eyes as she attempted to control her breathing.


(f/n)'s eyes shot up at her phone ringing in her (bag/purse). She groaned as she sat up and her eyes widened. It was now 12:24 pm. There were multiple texts from her boyfriend, all gradually getting worried. She had about seven missed calls and over 20 texts. She quickly, but carefully, stood up and continued on the way to Fumi's house.


The rest of the walk was about four minutes, but it took the girl around ten due to her injuries. She got to Fumi's house and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal her worried boyfriend.

"Hey," She said weakly.

"(f/n)!" He immediately engulfed the girl into a hug and so did Dark Shadow. He brought the injured girl into his house and gently laid her down on the couch. "What happened?!" On her walk here, she came up with a story.

"See... what had happened was... I was walking here and I ran into these three dudes." She lied and winced as his thumb gently ran over a cut on her cheek.

"What?! Where?!"

"O-oh! Don't worry! Your strong girlfriend took care of them! Th-that's why I was late, I uh... had to talk with the police and everything." He hugged her close causing her to wince but accept it, she gently pushed him and moved the jacket away. "Th-this one's bad..."

"Oh no," He went to get the first aid kit, while she removed her blood-soaked top. She sighed in relief when she realized it wasn't as bad as it seemed. It bled quite a bit, but the actual wound wasn't too bad. He returned and made her remove her jeans as well due to all the cuts. He brought her a sheet so she could cover herself, however, she had cuts everywhere.

"Ow!" She winced as he applied some alcohol on her wounds. He gave her a frown.

"I'm sorry... I'm really happy you were able to handle these thugs. How many were they?" He inquired.

"Huh? Oh... four." She responded as she laid her head back.

"Oh yeah? I thought you said three."

"I-It's really hard to remember..." She lied.

"(f/n)... what happened?"

"I'm telling you, I ran into a bunch of villains."

"(f/n), you don't have a hero license... you can't hurt them without getting arrested yourself." She sighed in defeat as she remembered that law.

"Ok... I took the shortcut..." She admitted.

"Why?! I always tell you not to because you'll get hurt! Why don't you just listen! Now, look at you." He yelled, causing her to frown and look away.

"I'm sorry..." Her voice cracked. He dropped the piece of cotton he was using and sighed audibly. He took her hands and kissed them both.

"No... I'm sorry. I shouldn't get so upset. I'm just... I worry, you know? You're precious to me and I know you have a strong quirk, but I still worry." She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm sorry, Fumi. I won't do it again." She said, looking up. She looked so innocent, he thought. Too innocent for her own good, sometimes. He continued to clean up and dress her wounds. Once that was done, he let her borrow his clothes and normally she preferred just a shirt, but in this case, she also borrowed a pair of pajama pants that he had. He brought her (f/f) and put on her favorite show.

After she was done, the two decided to cuddle. He ran his hand through her (h/l) (h/c) locks, comforting the girl and reminding her how much he missed and cared for her.

"Thank you so much. I love you, Fumi."

"I love you too, (n/n)." 

AN: I tried, I gotta have diversity here in this story. All I've written for is Bakugou and Deku for the most part. Some Kaminari and Todoroki, but that's it. So I finally wrote one out for Tokoyami and here it is!


Happy reading~

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