Language Barrier | Denki Kaminari x Foreign!Reader P2

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AN: Hiya! This was requested by a user on Tumblr!
Pronouns used: she/her
Length: 971
(n/l) - native language or another language you'd wanna speak

Summary: You've been in class 1A for a few months now and your crush on Denki's grown immensely. So, you decide to learn Japanese to ask him out, turns out, he's learning English for you.

Your name: (y/f/n)
Quirk: You're still the Avatar
Age: (14/15)


It had been a few months since (f/n) had to UA and so far, everything was going well. Aside from both the USJ and training camp attacks. Both (f/n) and Kaminari had gotten much closer, which prompted her to try to learn Japanese a bit faster than planned. Ryu was there the entire step of the way, teaching her how to understand but also how to write it. That was much more difficult, since she was (14/15) instead of a child, when she learned English and (n/l). She tried her best, putting herself to the test by writing her crush a letter.

The idea was she'd write him a letter telling him everything she liked about him and then at the end, she'd ask him out. Now, she'd taken everything she learned from Ryu and decided to do this herself, against her better judgment. She wanted to prove to both herself and Kaminari that she could overcome this little barrier that they had between them. However, (f/n) kept this between herself and Ryu. She wanted this all to be a surprise to Kaminari and her other friends.

Of course, (f/n) still used her translator app but she noted that she was able to understand her friends more. The app only confirmed what she believed they were staying, which soon became hard to keep a secret.

However, one thing that (f/n)- or anyone for that matter- didn't know was that Kaminari had been doing the same thing. He was trying to learn English so he could impress (f/n).. Boy was it difficult, but it was worth it. He had purchased Rosetta Stone (haven't heard about this thing in years). Kaminari had also been working with Midoriya- and Bakugou- to better his grades too. (f/n) was smart, talented, beautiful, and her quirk was amazing. He knew that if he wanted to be remotely anywhere near her league, he had to step up his game. So, this was his attempt. All of his recent assignments had been turned in on time and all of the recent tests he'd scored at least a 90, which he was very proud of.

He often stayed up late at night either finishing up homework or practicing his English. As he was writing away in his notebook, he got a text from Midoriya who was asking about their training session tomorrow. Kaminari quickly responded with a yes and returned to his work.

"Damn... (f/n). I really hope this impresses you..." He mumbled as he continued writing.


"Hey, Ryu. Is this right?" (f/n) asked, turning the piece of paper towards her translator. His eyes scanned it before he pointed at a sentence.

"This isn't how they say it, here..." Ryu took the pen from (f/n) and marked it on the paper she had written. "This is better. It's less formal, like slang. Sounds better."

"Oh, thank you." With that, she returned to her work. She knew that even though she was just learning Japanese and that Kaminari wouldn't judge, she still wanted it to be perfect. She wanted the letter to take his breath away, make his heart beat extremely fast, make him blush, and not embarrass her.

(f/n) frowned as she leaned against her chair, her eyes glancing at her clock. It was almost 3 am and she was up decorating the little letter she'd written for Kaminari. This upcoming Sunday, she was going to do it! She was going to give him her letter, then ask him out in Japanese!


That was the plan. Then she saw his goofy but beautiful, face. All she did was see him and now her head was a mess, the butterflies in her stomach were in a panic, and she felt like she'd ran a mile.

"Hey, (l/n)!" Kaminari greeted her, making her shake her head and hold the letter out towards him. His eyes widened, but he took it from her, mumbling something in Japanese she couldn't catch.

Denki Kaminari,

You are the sweetest, loving, caring, and most amazing person I've ever met. You're always there for me, you've been taking care of me ever since I got here, you've always looked out for me, and you've always been by my side. Your smiles and jokes brighten my day, your laughter makes me smile, and your heart made me fall in love.

Will you be my boyfriend?

Kaminari's golden eyes widened and shot up to (f/n), who looked away shyly. Taking a deep breath and hoping she wouldn't mess up, she asked him again, but this time in Japanese.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Denki?" Red spread to his cheeks and that bright dizzying smile took over his face. So he responded, in English.

"I would love to, (f/n)."

"Wait, what?! You know English?!" Her hands reached out to take his, making his blush darken, but he gave them a gentle squeeze.

"A l-little. But wait! When did you learn Japanese?!" She blushed, smiling a little as she responded in his language.

"I started to learn f-for you." He took her in his arms, placing a kiss on the top of her head, responding in English.

"I learned for you too. When I get better, we can have secret conversations!" He smiled.

"Secret?" She winked. "You mean flirt without your friends knowing?"

"Oh, I'll shamelessly flirt in front of everyone with you." They laughed, staring into each other's eyes before they both leaned in. Their lips pressed together, making them breathe out and melt into each other's warmth. Kaminari's lips were soft and warm and they moved slowly against (f/n)'s. Her hands gently landed on his shoulders and his arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer. After a few seconds, they pulled apart and he gazed into her eyes. "You're mine now, right?"

"All yours."

"Then I'm all yours, too."

They were in love and some little language barrier wasn't nearly strong enough to keep them apart. They'd overcome it all.

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