I hate you.

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Amber pov:
"AMBER FUCKING RAE FUCKING BLACK GET YOUR MOTHER FUCKING ASS DOWN INTO THE FUCKING LIVING ROOM RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" I heard someone yell at me from the living room. Andy. And he sounded pissed. Opening my eyes I found myself looking into a set of brown ones. "What the actual fuck" I whisper yelled, realizing it was Cc. "Oh shit! Kellin is gonna freak! I gotta go, and good luck with whatever you did. Andy sounded pissed" Cc said leaping out of bed and downstairs. Hmm, I wasn't sure if he was more scared of Andy or Kellin. Definitely Andy. I wondered why he was mad... He hadn't found out about the kiss? Right? How would he, there's no way.
Gulping I made my way downstairs, I saw a VERY pissed looking Ashley sitting on the couch with a even angrier looking Andy. Andy stood up and started to walk towards me, "If you think that you can lie and get away with it in this house you are incredibly wrong. We trusted you and look what happened! You fucking going around kissing every boy you see! This is why I don't date girls, they are sluts! I want you to keep your probably not virgin ass away from Jinxx. You will not leave this house for the next month besides school, not even pool." Andy said shoving me up against the wall through gritted teeth. I smelled the strong and familiar stench of alcohol on his breath. Tears spilled out of my eyes. Did the father I ever trusted besides Ashley just call me a slut. "Andy!" Ash gasped, shocked by what he had just said. "No Ashley! This girl needs to stay with boys her own fucking age that don't talk to us about FUCKING GIRLS! Jinxx is no good for her and will leave her eventually, then she will probably move to Jake and sleep with him and he will leave her ass!" Andy yelled knocking a flower vase of the piano. This was too much.
It brought back so many terrible memories of my childhood. My father hurting and abusing me. I stood still pinned against the wall by Andy not sure what to do. Tears flowing down my face like a river. "Andy no." Ash said firmly. At least one of my fathers still loved me. "Go to your room bitch" Andy growled and I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek. He had slapped me. This was all I could take, I ran up to my room not making any noise, just crying silently. As I reached the top of the stairs I heard Andy yell "Give me your phone, don't want you sending nudes". Oh fucking no. Growling I through my phone down the stairs as hard as I could not caring who or what I hit.
As soon as I was in my room I grabbed a black Attila duffel bag and threw some clothes on it, along with a little bit of makeup and hair stuff. Sighing I tried my best to ignore the yelling coming from downstairs, they were fighting. Right now the only place I wanted to be was in Jinxxs arms, and in Jinxxs arms I would be. But I would not give Andy the satisfaction of being right. I would not sleep with Jinxx, I hated Andy. Taking one last look at my room I stood on the window sill and jumped, even though I was on the 2nd floor I landed safely. As I child I did a lot of tree climbing and tree falling?
The second I hit the ground I took of running. Running straight towards Jinxxs house, tears flowing freely down my face. I ran the entire way there, it was about a 3 mile run. But my legs wouldn't stop, they couldn't stop. Eventually I reached Jinxxs house, I wasn't tired when I stopped running though. All I had done was run off my anger, now all I had left was sadness. Knocking on Jinxxs door I waited, I knew he was home I saw his car and someone else's. It wasn't Andy or Ashleys and that's all that mattered.
The second a Jinxx opened the door I flung myself into his arms and let it all put. The tears, the pain, the anguish. "Amber honey, what's wrong? Why is your cheek red and bruising?" Jinxx asked picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the living room setting me on the couch. His eyes were full of worry and sadness. "Andy... He found out about the kiss... He said we slept together and that... that I was just a slut... And how he was gonna have to hear about you fucking me... And you were just gonna leave me after you got me pregnant... That no one would ever really stay with me because I was a slut.... How I disappoint him and Ashley and I wasn't worth all the worries I created... How I'm just a ungrateful liar" I sobbed curling up into a ball on the couch. My head in Jinxx's lap.
"Amber" I heard another voice say softly but firmly "Why is your cheek red and bruising?". It was Kellin, you could tell he was incredibly angry. Looking around I saw that Cc was also here, he looked mortified. Looking down I avoided Kellins question. "Amber. Did Andy hit you?" Jinxx asked softly holding my chin so he was looking into my eyes. "Yes, but he's right. I deserved it" I mumbled. Cc came over and wiped away my tears.
"Amber, I just want you to rest ok" Jinxx asked picking me up and laying me down somewhere soft, a bed I'm assuming. All 3 men came and kissed my forehead. Just as I drifted off to sleep I could have sworn I heard Jinxx say "I love you Ambs, don't you ever forget that" before he left. Ehh, I was probably just crazy. I let the darkness consume me and I drifted off to sleep.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS WAS INTENSE TO WRITE! Keep on voting and commenting! I'm gonna go listen to mcr and watch Bryan Stars and jog ur Gilbert videos now!!!! I swear, I have a social life outside of watt pad and bands.....

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