The perks of shopping with a rockstsar

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Amber Pov:
I heard saviour blast off of my phone, signalling it was time for me to wake up. Or what used to be time to wake up, 3:30 am. I woke up 2 hours before everyone else because that way I wouldn't have to deal with them beating me up in the morning. Groaning I turned the alarm off and tried to go back to sleep, soon realising I wasn't going to be able too. Around 4 I gave up and headed downstairs.
When I got downstairs I sat on the couch and tried to relax and watch tv.
I ended up watching LA ink, I had always wanted a tattoo but the orphanage wouldn't let me. Around 4:30 I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Amber why the hell are you up" Ashley asked groggily. "Shit, sorry didn't mean to wake you up. My alarm was still on from the orphanage." I explained, hoping he wouldn't ask why my alarm had been set to 3am.
Thankfully he didn't, "well I couldn't sleep and came down to watch some tv" he said rubbing his eyes. I patted the area on the couch next to me, he smiled and came and sat next to me. He pulled the blanket around us and I snuggled into his bare chest, it was really warm and hard.
We started to watch some hello kitty on demand, after about 3 episodes I felt my eyelids get heavy. I yawned and snuggled closer to my new dad, letting the world go black.
"Amber sweetie, wake up" I heard Ashley whisper in my ear. I groaned and attempting to burrow into the blanket. Finally I decided to just get up, looking around I realised I wasn't in my bedroom. Ashley seeing my confused look explained, "You came downstairs around 3 last night and we fell asleep on the couch".
I nodded, vaguely remembering that happening. Standing up from the couch I was instantly freezing, shivering I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. "Nice bra Purdy girl" I heard Ashley yell after me. I sighed shaking my head.
Looking around the kitchen I decided to just have a bowl of cocoa puffs, but without milk! For some strange reason I hate milk and cereal, don't ask me why. Andy walked into the kitchen wearing only a pair of batman boxers and batman slippers, I couldn't help but giggle.
"You ready to go shopping today? We should probably leave in about a half hour" he yawned, obviously still half asleep. I nodded continuing to munch on my cocoa puffs.
When I was done I headed upstairs to get dressed. Frowning, I looked at my minuscule wardrobe, it consisted of 7 pairs of pants and 12 shirts. The majority of them being band related. Eventually I grabbed a Ac/Dc shirt and black ripped skinnies and a pair of black vans.
I just did my usual black eyeliner and mascara, leaving the same piercings in. For my hair I just straightened and teased it, finally I was satisfied with my appearance and headed downstairs. Andy came walking down the stairs moments after me, he was wearing an Ac/Dc shirt with black skinnies and vans too.
When I saw him I laughed, "Great minds think alike ehh" he laughed placing his arm around my shoulder. We walked out to his car, a black SUV and headed to the mall. When we got there we headed straight to hot topic one of my favourite stores. I grabbed a ton of band tees and skinnies! Then i headed over to the accesories and random nonsense. My weakness! I bought more jewellery then I could ever wear and a ton of BVB and other band bracelets. I also found these super cute BVB and SWS plush toys, which I just had to buy! Of course. The perks of shopping with a rockstar were definitely real!
Next we headed to the apple store, Andy let me pick out a phone and computer. I picked out the iPhone 6 plus and an iMac. "Anywhere else you want to go" Andy asked wiggling his eyebrows making me laugh.
I nodded, there was one more place. Delias, it wasn't a place you would think that I would shop because it was "girly" or even "preppy" but they had the cutest dresses and shirts. At first Andy was skeptical but I finally talked him into going, he actually really liked it! "These are actually pretty cool" He said admiring a guns n roses muscle tee. We payed and then left,on our way out we passed Aerie.
"Err, Andy we kinda need to stop in there" I pointed to the store. He turned white as a sheet "A gay man has no place in a bra store" he complained as I dragged him in. For the next hour I spent in there Andy looked incredibly akward standing in all black next to the pink push up bras. I couldn't help but snap a picture as he picked up a lacy pink thong and sent it to Ashley and posted it on Twitter. I used the caption "Andy trying out new things in the bedroom! Your thoughts?". And tagged all of BVB in the picture.
Almost immediately Andys pulled out his phone because his Twitter was blowing up. I had just finished checking out, when Andy saw the picture. His face turned the brightest shade of red I had ever seen and he practically dragged me and all my bags out off the mall and to the car. I was-of course- laughing the entire time.

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