Mini golf!

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Amber pov;
"Umm.. Hey Jinxx" I said awkwardly sliding into the car next to him. "Hey Amb" he smiled and pulled out of the driveway humming along to the radio. "Jinxxxxxxx" I whined and stretched myself out in the car. "Whaaaattttt" he whined back. "Can I braid your hair? It would be really cute" I asked grabbing a lock of his soft ebony hair. He chuckled "Alright, if you win at mini golf you can braid my hair tonight AND for the next show" he grinned sliding down his sunglasses. Cocky bastard. "Deal" I grinned wickedly. Little did Jinxx know I was an expert mini golfer, my aunt used to take me all the time when I was little. The rest of the way there we sat in comfortable silence, it was nice. Finally we reached the mini golf place.
It was called "Putt Putt Palace". Giggling I ran inside dragging Jinxx behind me. "Amber...... You..... Really... Like... Putt... Putt.." Jinxx panted, tired from running with me. I just shrugged my shoulders and went up to get my ball and club, reaching into my pocket I grabbed my MIW wallet and got ready to pay. "No, no, no. I'm paying" Jinxx said moving my hand out of the way and handing the guy 40 bucks. Enough for both of us.
"Jinxx really! I feel bad" I groaned, I hated letting people pay for my stuff! Especially guys, it just made me feel powerless. "Dont feel bad! My treat" Jinxx assured me making me feel a little better. "Fine. Lets go pick out our balls!" I cheered and skipped over to the counter with the balls on it. Making sure Jinxx wasn't looking I pulled out my phone and texted Cc "All well so far! Wish me luck:P xxx". I decided to use this super cool Galaxy ball and Jinxx of course got black. No surprise there. As I turned around I could have sworn I saw Jinxx shove his phone in his back pocket, whatever.
"You ready broski!" I said super excited. Jinxx just smiled and shook his head. "Jinxx you have no idea how much it meant what you did... picking me up this morning" I said. And I really meant it, staying there well they were fighting would of killed me. "No problem sweetie" Jinxx said flashing me a smile. Instantly I melted inside. HE JUST CALLED ME SWEETIE! But he probably meant sweetie as in like a little kid or baby sister type sweetie. Brushing it off we continued to play mini golf and I basically beat Jinxx by like A TON! It was the last hole, I had already won unless it took me 45 tries to get the ball in the hole. "Look Amber.. What happened in my bed today. I really like you, like you're perfect." Jinxx said as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "Jinxx I really like you too" I smiled, this was perfect. Before I knew what was happening his lips crashed onto mine. Holy Shit! I was having my first real kiss with Jinxx from BVB! We kissed for what felt like forever but very short... It was hard to explain. Breaking apart Jinxx rested his forehead against mine. "Amber Rae Black will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend" Jinxx smiled. "Of course" I beamed and hugged Jinxx. This was perfect. I beat Jinxx, and we drove home. "Goodnight Amber, text me tonight" Jinxx said walking me up to my steps. "Well obviously" I smiled and leaned in for another kiss. We kissed for about 5 minutes, nothing fancy but it was soft and full of love. "Amber we can't tell Andy. He will kill both of us" Jinxx said hugging me. Frowning I said "I know, just promise me we will tell him someday". "I promise" he pecked me on the cheek and headed out to his car.
When I walked in the house I must have had the biggest smile ever on my face. "How was mini golf" Andy asked. He was watching tv with Ash, they were so flipping cute! "No babies were made right?" Ash called out jokingly raising his arm in the air. "Ha ha, very funny dad!" I said sarcastically hoping they wouldn't catch on, I mean how would they know. "Well me and your father had some crazy sexual intercou-" Ashley started to say before Andy slapped his hand over his face practically pushing him of the couch. Andy was blushing a bright shade of red when Ashley added "It was amazing! Andy really has a talent" earning a kick in the side from Andy. "Well... I'm glad to hear that! Just keep it down well I'm in the house. I'm beat, gonna go to bed early." I laughed heading upstairs. "Ok, night love you! We will try to keep it down" Ashley called after me. I could only imagine Andys face right now, I'm guessing he was pretty pissed off when I heard Ash whine in pain. Haha, loser.
Stripping down to just my lacy underwear and bra I noticed that my pillows had gotten messed up. Cc had probably moved them around. At this point I was so tired that I ignored the odd hardness of my pillow and just fell asleep cuddling it. Right before I drifted off my phone started to buzz. I looked up realizing Kellin was calling me, yawning I decided not to answer and just headed into dreamland.

OMFG! 3k reads! This is way fucking better then I could have ever dreamed off! You guys may not realise it but every single chapter you read, vote for and comment on make our day❤️ no matter how many reads we have your love and enthusiasm always gets to us and makes us happy! So thank you so fucking much! They are finally together! Plus I would like to dedicate this chapter to Hey_Its_MeXD because it would be absolutely nowhere near where it is now without her! You should really check her out!

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