Waking up too Andley?

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Amber pov:
"Oh shit! We made her pass out, don't tell the bitchy nun though." I heard a deep familliar voice say. "Ok, I'm guessing she is a fan of terrified of tattoos and the color black because she freaked out and passed out when she saw us" Another familiar voice said. I felt a cool hand being pressed against my forehead, I opened my eyes. Leaning over me was Andy mother fucking Biersack and Ashley fucking Purdy. The Andrew Dennis Biersack and the Ashley Abrocket Purdy.
"What the actual fuck" I managed to say before letting out a small scream. Andy and Ash instantly got a look of terror across their face, and backed up away from me. "Don't hurt us, here take my shirt" Andy said throwing his shirt at me looking genuinely scared. Right now I was confused as fuck, after a couple of seconds they both calmed down a bit.
"Sorry, when we heard you scream we got scared that you were one of those crazy fans, they are terrifying" Ashley apologized walking back over to me. "Yeah especially at 3 in the morning when you are trying to get some and there are 4 teenage girls in your closet" I heard Andy mutter under his breath. Ewwww, but then I remembered who was standing in the same room as me. I felt my inner fan girl try to come out, I tried to keep it in.
"Soooo, is it ok if we asked you a couple questions about yourself" Ashley asked raising his eyebrow. All I could do was nod, I knew that if I tried to say something I would start screaming. After a couple questions Andy sighed, "Wow, you are really persistent at trying to keep your inner fan girl in. Since we aren't gonna get any actual answers without you letting it out-let it out".
I blushed, and let it all out. Leaping across the table I engulfed both of them in a giant hug, screaming. I continued to scream for a little while, and then I was done. "Sorry" I blushed looking up at them covering their ears. They shrugged, smiling.
We continued with the questions, I actually got the feeling that maybe I would be adopted this time. They actually seemed to possibly like me, it felt good. "So, Amber would you like to come home with us" Andy and Ashley asked at the same time grinning. My breath hitches in my throat, this wasn't happening. I nodded, I felt tears in my eyes.
I was so happy, I hugged both Andy and Ashley at the same time. They hugged back. It wasn't like the hug I had given them earlier well fangirling, it was a real loving hug. "Why don't you go pack your stuff well we sign the paperwork" Ashley smiled wiping a tear from my eye. Andy groaned "Or you could sign the papers and I can go help her pack" He said looking hopeful. He must REALLY hate paperwork, I smiled. "Fine" Ash rolled his eyes ushering us off.
We headed up to my room in awkward silence, I really hoped I didn't see any of the other girls on my way to my room. I wasn't in the mood to be embarrassed in front of my new dads. Of course nothing ever went my way, so we saw Mackenzie and her "Bff" Mareasa at the top of the stairs. "Oh look, Emo adopting Emo! How cute" Mackenzie laughed pointing at me an Andy.
Mareasa just laughed, "Yeah, they can listen to that screaming music together". I felt Andy tense up behind me, I grabbed his wrist and dragged him up the rest of the stairs. Before I walked by the girls I pushed Andy by them, this way I could stop him from ripping their throats out. As I made my way by them I felt myself pushed up against the wall. "Have fun, we will be happy when you are gone" Mackenzie snarled in my face.
Andy looked back, and saw me pushed up against the wall. "Hey, let her go you bitch" he yelled and shoved her away from me. This time he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from her, I kept my head down. I wasn't one of those girls who was brave and loud and didn't care what others thought. I was the shy girl who let others walk all over her, and I hated myself for that. "Amber are you ok?"Andy asked with wide eyes. He looked shocked at what he had just witnessed.
"Yeah I'm fine, happens all the time. Don't worry about it. If you don't still want me I would unders- I started to say. "Amber never say that! Of course we still want you, we want you more now! We can get you out of this hell hole." he grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Ok" I smiled, I was shocked but happy.
We continued to my room, I entwined my hand in his. Not in a weird romantic way but in that "I love and trust you as family" way. Because he was now, Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy were my family. I opened the door to my room, proudly admiring the band posters covering my walls."Holy shit, do you have enough posters" Andy chuckled as he looked around my small room. I shook my head, and grabbed a batman suitcase and a hello kitty duffel bag. "Well your going to fit in nicely at the Purdy/Biersack residence" Andy grinned. I laughed and began to pack. After giving Andy a Cc coma string bag I sent him into the bathroom to pack that stuff.
I finished packing up my clothes and posters and Andy was still in the bathroom. Deciding to check on him I went into the bathroom shocked at what I saw. Andy was reapplying his eyeliner, using mine! "Hey put my makeup down" I grabbed the pen out of his hand. He pouted, "fine but when you live with me this cheap dollar general eyeliner isn't gonna cut it". I just laughed, "Not my fault the orphanage is poor as fuck" raising my hands in defence.
He chuckled scanning the sink with his eyes making sure he grabbed everything. "Hey what's this" he asked picking up a picture frame. It was a picture of me and my best friend Jessica. In the picture I had bright blue hair and she had fire truck red hair, we were both laughing hysterically. It was the last picture I got of her before she got adopted and I never saw her again. I felt tears in my eyes as Andy asked "Hey who's this". "That's my friend Jessica, but she got adopted before me. Haven't seen her since" I shrugged grabbing the picture throwing it in my bag. "Oh... That sucks, I'm sorry" he said quietly hugging me.
"Ok, I'm ready! I just need help packing up my drum kit" I said into Andy's shoulder.
Immediately he pulled away looking excited, "YOU PLAY DRUMS?!?!". I chuckled "And violin, guitar and bass" he grinned even wider. My door opened and I looked over and saw Ashley walking in "You guys done" he asked. "Almost, we just need to pack up her drum kit" Andy smiled practical bouncing up and down. Ash beamed "Drums! That's so cool, do you play anything else" he asked walking over to the drum set in the corner of my room. Before I could answer Andy did, "She plays violin, guitar and bass!". Ash got up and hugged me "She's a real Purdy girl".
We finished packing up the drum kit and Andy asked "So why did you learn to play all these instruments". I blushed a tad embarrassed by the answer. "Because of you guys, you especially Andy. Music was how I would take my anger out! Plus I thought Jinxx looked super cool in the "In the end" video." Ashley chuckled shaking his head.
We headed down the stairs, I was carrying my suitcases and Ash and Andy had my drum kit.
As we left the orphanage I felt a surge of hope, making sure the nuns would all see me I did something I had always wanted to do but never had the courage. I flipped them off. Chuckling I saw them gasp, "Really Amber" I heard Andy ask. Oh shit, I didn't know they had seen me. I shrugged blushing, back to my quiet self. Once everything was in the car Andy and Ashley climbed in the front seat and I got in the back. As I was driving away from the orphanage I felt a surge of hope in my heart, it had been a long time since I had felt that. I knew that with my new family I could do and be whoever and whatever I wanted do. When I left the orphanage property I had the biggest smile ever on my face.

So guys I started the new story! You like?!?! Since this is a new story it would be awesome if you told people about it and stuff. Also I know that on my old story I updated every day but I am pretty busy lately so I will update at least once a week, possibly more! I promise, please don't hurt me! I love you all

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