Dad this is my boyfriend?

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Amber pov:
"I'm gonna fucking kill you" Andy screamed at Jinxx, Ashley still pinning him up against a wall. Suddenly Jinxx seemed to realize Andy was there and had heard everything, "Andy, look! I understand your mad but I just want you to know that I would never hurt your daughter. ever!" Jinxx said, you could see it in his eyes how sincere he was. All of the sudden Andy stopped struggling against Ashleys grip. "Fine, but if you hurt her I will beat your ass" Andy said seriously. It felt good that he cared that much about me. Sure, he was being over protective, but I would rather have over protective then a dad who didn't care at all. When Andy said this it was like everyone in the room exhaled a deep breath of relief.
"Welcome to the family" Ash beamed and gave Jinxx one of those man hug things. "Now can you guys leave, I want to sleep tonight! It is practically 11 at night!" I ushered Andy and Ash out of my room. Jinxx was about to leave too when I called out to him. "Jinxx... will you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone" I asked shyly. "I would love to stay with you" Jinxx smiled through the darkness and walk over to me. Climbing in bed with me I curled up into his warm and muscular chest, my breathing slowing almost immediately. "Good night Amber" he whispered to me kissing my forehead. "Night Jinxxy" I whispered back drifting off to the best sleep I had had in a while.

THEIR FINALLY TOGETHER! Yay! My thumbs hurt cuz I just wrote like 3 chappies in a row! Love you!!! All keep voting and commenting<3

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