Helping the hungover

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Yawning I rolled out of bed, landing on the floor with a thud. Groaning I got up brushing myself off. I really needed to stop rolling out of bed.... Eventually I grabbed a pair of leggings from pink and a cute hoodie. After doing my hair and makeup I got ready to head downstairs. Then I heard a loud thud and groan come from the other side of my wall. Andy and Ashley's room.
Confused I walked into the hallway and into their room not really sure what to expect. Ashley was sprawled across Andy who had somehow ended up on the floor in the middle of the night. Chuckling I snapped a quick picture and posted it to Instagram and twitter. It had the caption "Guess who is feeling last nights party?". "Amber.... Water.... Advil... Now." Andy groaned grabbing his head.
I just laughed a bit and went to get what he asked for. Grabbing two glasses from the kitchen I filled them with water I also grabbed two pills, and then found some lemon juice in the fridge and squirted a bit in each glass. It was a trick I had learned when caring for my dad. Something in the lemon juice sped up the hangover ending it quickly.
I quickly jogged up the stairs as fast as I could without spilling the water. Heading into their room I saw Ashley had waken up and I heard what I assumed was Andy throwing up in the bathroom. Sighing I headed into the bathroom and handed Andy the glass and then passed the other to Ashley. They drank it quickly, and then gave each other funny looks after drinking it. "That tasted weird? What was in it?" Andy asked quizzically. "Yeah, almost lemony" Ashley added, they were both obviously feeling the effects of the drink. "I just put lemon in it, something I learned to do with my Dad" I blushed. "Oh, well it's some cool shit" Ashley smiled thankfully rubbing the last of the pain from his temple.
Looking at the clock I gasped. "Holy fuck guys! It's noon!" I exclaimed. "Ummm... language please Amber" Andy raised an eyebrow for a couple seconds until we all burst out laughing. We headed downstairs, both Andy and Ashley still topless and only wearing a pair of boxers. Andys having the giant batman symbol across his butt and Ashley's were just black, thank god. Well I was doing my laundry I had seen a pair that said "suck me" in a certain special spot that I bet you can guess. I decided to make the guys waffles, chocolate chip of course! Seriously, chocolate makes everything better! I connected my phone to the wireless speaker, by now the hang over had passed. Scrolling through my music I clicked on guns n roses and hit shuffle. The first song that came on was "out ta get me" and I mentally jumped up and down. I loved this song! It was ledgit my jan! Dancing around the kitchen I finished making a big plate of waffles and dished then out to the guys.
They looked at me gratefully and dug in, in about 5 minutes all the food was gone. Laughing I started to clean up, "so I take it you were hungry and my waffles were good?" I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah, your a great cook" Ashley said wiping the last of the chocolate off his face. "I'm going to get dressed, Ash can you come with me? I need some fashion advice" Andy said walking up the stairs. I sighed, Andy never needed fashion advice. I really "wonder" why he needed Ash to go upstairs. Shuddering at the mental image I finished cleaning up the kitchen and went and sat on the couch. Flipping
through the channels I found nothing, until I found something I had watched in months. Swimming!
Before Andy and Ash had adopted me I was a huge competitive swimmer! Not to brag either, but I was kind of the best on the team. My team had been a boy and girl team too! Swimming had always been a sort of stress reliever for me, it was the only thing that gave me the same high as music. When I got in the water I could just forget everything, it felt good to forget all the pain and stress of life. But a couple months ago, back at the orphanage I got super pissed at Mackenzie and her "friends" so I took my frappachino and poured it all over her head. Mackenzie went and told all the supervisors-of fucking course-and they banned me from swimming for the next 3 months. Then I had gotten adopted, and well just forgotten all about it.
"Are you watching a.... Swim meet?" Andy asked walking down the stairs. He was wearing a BVB hoodie and black skinnies. Ashley followed close behind him wearing a anthrax shirt and black skinnies. "Uhhh, yeah I am actually. Before I came here I used to be a big swimmer. I got grounded from swimming at the orphanage and then just kind of... Forgot about it?" I blushed. "Huh, never would of thunk it! Learn something every day, maybe we could go to the pool tomorrow!" Ashley said sitting on the couch next to me. "Yeah! I really wanna see you swim and kick everyone else's ass!" Andy said, obviously super excited. "Well you should probably watch this meet so you know what to expect, and besides I just wanna be lazy right now. We can go swim tomorrow" I sighed laying my head on Ashley's lap. "Yeah, I know nothing about swimming so I better watch up" Andy said literally grabbing a pen and note pad and starting to write stuff down. I couldn't resist and took a picture and posted it to twitter "Andy is studying up to watch me swim tomorow! What a proud father!". Ashley chuckled when he saw it and started to play with my hair. "Wait, do you wear one of those swim cap things?!?!?" Ashley gasped getting really excited! "Yeah Ashley I do. I have a ton in different colors and designs" I giggled. We finished watching the meet and basically just sat around doing nothing all day. I talked them into watching the little mermaid! Ariel was literally my soul princess, i was pretty much convinced i was her in a past life. Of course this ment we had to watch hello kitty and batman. Batman i didnt mind but hello kitty was TORTURE! Just kidding, it wasnt that bad.I was super excited though! For the first time in what felt like forever I would be able to swim! Around 9 o'clock I got tired and headed upstairs, dreaming of lane lines and starting blocks I would surely see tomorrow.

Adopted by... ANDLEY?!??Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant