32 Together.

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"People are going to see Kong!" Arthit whispered loudly while pulling his hand away. His cheeks felt hot.

"It's dark and there's no one around. No one's going to see P'Oon." Kongpob made another attempt to hold the older male's hand but Arthit hid hands behind his back.

The younger male thought it would be a good idea to hold hands as they walked back to his house, only Arthit thought differently.

"We just kissed earlier. Isn't that enough?" Sometimes Arthit felt like Kongpob was insatiable for affection. He liked to touch and it was making the older male feel too much to be able to think properly.

Judging from that hungry look on Kongpob's face, apparently it wasn't enough for the man.

"When it comes to you P', just a kiss will not be enough. I won't force you. I promised you that but it doesn't mean that I don't want more."

How many times have Arthit heard that from the man? He was sure this wasn't the first time KOngpob said those words to him.

He wanted to be as brave just like KOngpob. He wanted to be affectionate and without care of what other people think. Unfortunately, he wasn't built that way. The possibility of being judged by the people around him because of his developing relationship with Kongpob scared the hell out of him.

Arthit looked around and saw no one else outside besides the two of them. Despite that, he was still afraid. There was a constant fear that if he held Kongpob's hand and somebody sees, it would mean people would know. Once people discovers their relationship then people will judge their love.

"I'm sorry Kongpob. I'm not brave like you." Arthit looked down, feeling guilty.

They continued walking. Kongpob carefully said as he heard Arthit's words. "Well... I did not like you for being brave. I like you P' because you're you. As cheesy as that sounds, it's the truth." He then laughed. "I know you love photography and pink milk. You're very shy. You don't like being affectionate in public, but you can be affectionate in private. I don't mind that. There's so much that I still don't know about you and if I have to, I can be patient in getting to know you more. Take your time P'Arthit. I won't run away and I'll be beside you in this journey."

"You talk too much Kongpob." The heat of Arthit's cheeks were making his skin look pink. His heart felt like it was going to explode from the love he was receiving. The sincerity in Kongpob's words made him want to be as brave in their budding love.

Kongpob simply smiled and walked side by side with the older male. They were close enough that they could feel each other's warmth.

Arthit look at his hand and then Kongpob's. Without a word, he linked his left pinky finger with Kongpob's right. He faced forward, doing his best to appear normal even when his heart felt like it was filled to the brim.

He didn't see the smile growing from Kongpob's lips. That smile almost reached up to the younger male's ears. Knowing how shy the other was, he simply relished on the feeling being able to link hands or rather a finger with someone he really liked.

It was funny to say that it was like they're in a setting of a high school drama series. If this was an animation, for sure there would be a pink background highlighting the scene.

The walk back to Kongpob's house felt so short. Arthit quickly let go when they entered the house. Kongpob's father was sitting by the living room watching the current news.

They both greeted him in which he replied with a nod. "Dinner's ready. You both go ahead. I'll finish up with this one and follow."

Dinner was simply too good for Arthit not to have a second and a third serving. Arthit looked at his belly worriedly. At this rate, he'll be needing a couple of visits to the gym and he had only eaten lunch and dinner. Another bite into his food, he soon forgot about his worries. It was just that good. Maybe that's how it is when there's a chef in the house.

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