09 friends & site

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Back with a short chapter ❤
A month.

It didn't feel that long. It felt like a week for Arthit whe he scrolled up at the messages he and Kongpob had been exchanging.

It was weird. The secret side of him still fanboys at almost every little thing when they chat or anything related to the male celebrity. But the intensity of it though... he kind of mellowed down. He wasn't as thirsty for information as before. Was it because he has this new connection to the younger male?


He shook his head to chase away the silly thoughts that was starting to crowd his brain. At the moment, he was in school with his friends. It did not look good to be so absentminded around them. They're like hounds in detecting whether something was wrong or not.

"Arthit, are you really telling the truth that you don't have a girlfriend?" Toota thought it was the best time to confront Arthit when the group had nothing else to talk about during their 2-hour break. The most talkative of them all, Bright had run out of words to say, probably because he was hungover from some party he went to the night before.

Their stoic friend made nonchalantly shrugged. Just as he predicted, they were hounds. Or was he just too transparent? It must be because they all knew each other so well that his behavior was an obvious scream that something is happening.

"That doesn't seem to be the case. Over the past few weeks, you're always on you phone typing something."

Knot was not helping. He was also determined to know what was going with their friend. If it was a girl, he like the rest of their friends were excited for Arthit. Over the course of their university life until present, Arthit had never shown interest in anyone. It was a big thing if this was the case now.

"And you smile Arthit. You fucking smiled more than you always do. I swear the way your lips curves upward whenever you talk to whoever is on the other line, it's definitely a smile." Bright observed, giving their friend no room for denial. When it comes to such things, their party animal of a friend, was very sharp.

"It's just a friend okay?" Arthit lamely replied. He didn't know what else to say. For some reason, he couldn't say that it was a guy. The word was stuck in his throat.

"Is it Maprang?"

"What? No. She's just a junior." A slight change of expression slipped on his face. Arthit couldn't imagine being so close to Maprang as he was now with Kongpob. It felt too weird.

Maprang was just a friend. Wait. Kongpob was also a friend but something more? Gah! Stop it Arthit. You're beginning to think weirdly.

As if bt magic, the person they wwre talking about appeared. Maprang was all smiles when she saw her favorite senior.

She did not waste any time and approached Arthit. "P' Are we on this coming weekend?"

"Yeah. Meet you on the venue?" Arthit replied with the same casual manner as he always did.

"Okay. I'll text you the other details."

Maprang didn't stay long, leaving as soon as she finished talking to Arthit. When the junior student was out of earshot, Prem smirked at him.

"Just a junior, huh?"

Arthit had forgotten that he had an audience. The way they see Arthit with the junior was different.

"Yeah." That was the truth but his friends didn't believe him. What more could he say? He wasn't lying.


It had become a habit for Arthit to check his newly created website once a day. Pinkcoffee had only been up and running for almost a week so he wasn't expecting a large view count. When he saw the numbers, Arthit really thought it was some glitch or he was just seeing things.

1, 018 views

The number wasn't enough to make a profit but it was really unexpected. For an unknown erson suddenly creating a website without advertising, this was a good performance in his opinion. If this number grew, it would be good for him.

Aside from the view count, there was a couple of comments praising his shots. It gave those fans who were unable to attend the meeting see a glimpse of the model-actor outside the small screen. They were all thanking him for sharing such great photos and hoping to see more photos.

More photos meant Arthit had to attend more events and fanmeetings. Could he do that? Can he even afford it?

Making the website, he hadn't considered those things.

Arthit sighed and closed his laptop.



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