35 disappointment.

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Arthit went back to Bright's house after the call. He was escorted by Bright's personal driver who had been on standby just in case something happened.

He didn't protest. He had no energy nor life to protest.

Arthit felt abandoned. His ears were ringing, still hearing every word his mother said from that call.

Have you no shame?



He had always hated this word. Why was it that other people's opinion have to matter?

His mother never thought to ask if he was happy. It was always about reputation and protecting their name. What it really a big deal? What was so important about their family name?

In a couple of decades he was probably dead and no one would remember his name! What was so wrong about loving a person?

His sense of time was broken. It felt like a flash. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. "Mr. Rojanapat, it's better to rest inside." The caretaker of the house smiled at him and gestured towards the house.

Arthit nodded. "Okay uncle." Like a lost child, he followed the older man to the house.

He went straight to the guest room and laid down on the bed. Like lead, his limbs felt heavy and his heart uncomfortable. Arthit didn't want to move. Right now all he could think of was to forget all the bad things that happened. He really wanted to forget. The young battered male closed his eyes and slept. Maybe in this way, he could forget and think of everything that happened as a long and horrible nightmare.

He slept. When he woke up, he closed his eyes and slept again.

The next time he opened his eyes, there was an IV drip attached to his hand. He looked around the room and saw a television screen on the wall, a small refrigerator and other things that he had seen in hospitals like the style of the bed he was lying on. It logical to say that he ended up in a hospital. Arthit used his free hand to run his hand through his hair. He felt extremely groggy and confused as to why he was in a hospital.

His eyes then landed on the person taking a nap on the couch not far from his bed.

His voice cracked calling the man's name. "Bright?" How long did he sleep? He asked himself.

Bright was sleeping too deeply. He was also snoring loudly. Arthit shook his and smiled. It was better to let his silly friend sleep some more. They were at their last semester and usually lacked sleep due to requirements. They need all the sleep they could get. Arthit felt really bad for causing trouble.

He then sighed and looked around him. He then noticed the condition of his right hand. He wrinkled his nose. The young male hated how his left hand was swollen because of the IV drip. His fingers looked like sausages.

Seeing his hand made him sigh again. There was almost nothing that he could do right now except lie in bed. The TV remote was nowhere to be found and his phone was not with him.

Arthit could easily guess that it was at Bright's house. It would be the last thing they would think about when they brought him to the hospital.

He laid down on his side and stared blankly at the wall in front of him. He tried his best not to think about his problems.

As he did so, a knock made him look up. The door opened and he saw his junior friend, Maprang.

Maprang cried as soon as she saw Arthit on the hospital bed. Her tears made Arthit sit up.

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