05.2 plunge.

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Every second was heaven. It was a shock for Arthit that he lasted... he checked his watch and calculated: one hour fifteen minutes and seven seconds without fanboying.

There were no interruptions from fans whatsoever. Just pure unhindered simple conversation with the guy. If he was alone right now, he would be smiling.

"How does it feel being a celebrity?" Arthit asked. He had seen the man smile for the cameras but wondered how he really felt.

He watched a serious face on Kongpob's really thinking about his question. "It's fun when it's fun, but it can be really tiring as hell. There would be days where you wish you didn't choose to become one and just hole up in your room. But there will also be days you wish the day not to end."

Arthit listened intently as Kongpob played with the straw of his coffee and continued, a frown curved on his lips. "I remember when I first started modelling, people keep saying that it wasn't a good profession because once you lose your good looks, you're finished. You'll get objectified. It doesn't feel great when you get treated like you have no feelings. There's a lot of competition and it's fierce to. It's the same as when I got acting jobs."

"The only thing that makes all the work worth is the look on people and say you did great or you inspired them."

At the end, it was only then that Kongpob looked straight at Arthit and smiled. Arthit could really feel the sincerity on the younger male's words.

"Deep." It was the only thing Arthit could think of to reply to that.

Kongpob laughed so hard, seeing that same neutral expression paired with one word. It was awkward but funny.

The raven-haired celebrity smiled at his reaction. "That was cute. I didn't think you would react that way."

"Kongpob!" Arthit half whispered half scolded the male. He looked warily around, scared that some fan heard him.

The scolded male on the other hand only chuckled as he crossed his legs, totally at ease and uncaring.

"This is really nice." Kongpob can't help but say aloud.

"What's nice?" Arthit stopped in the middle of sipping stupidly looked around wanting to know what was nice.

"This." Kongpob gestured to both of them and leaned his back on his comfy leather chair. "I haven't had a conversation like this for awhile now. Most of the people I talk to are from work. It feels nice to have someone that's not in the circle. You're really cool to be with."

"Please don't talk like that. I don't take compliments too well." Arthit's calm facade almost cracked. His face was beet red from Kongpob's compliment, pushing his heart rate to the limit. He felt like he was going to pass out from excessive happiness if that was even possible.

He was just so happy and embarrassed. Maybe he can go to heaven now. No. He's too selfish to die now. He has become greedy.


Time flew so quickly that before the knew it, the cafe was closing for the day. Both of them were having fun with each other that they lost track of time. 

When it was time to say goodbye, Arthit almost frowned, not wanting the day to be over.

"I really had fun. Thanks for saving me again."

That smile again from Kongpob. He was toast.

Fuck. So handsome...

That was when Arthit couldn't take it anymore. Call it craziness but he unleashed a bit of his fanboy tendencies.

"Can... can I have your number?" He blurted outright before he lost the nerve.

What the hell are you doing Arthit?! This isn't you!!! Are you crazy?!

His normal self was screaming at him, scandalous of his behavior.

"If you don't want, I totally understand." Arthit rushed while he kept his eyes on the floor, too scared to look at the male celebrity's reaction. He was mentally scolding himself for being too impulsive.

Arthit really didn't expect that Kongpob would really give his number. His jaw dropped when he watched the male celebrity open his hand and asked for his phone.

"Let's talk at LINE." Kongpob said as he typed in his number and connected his line account. "I trust you that you won't spread this to anyone. It's a bit of a hassle changing into a new number. I really don't want to do that."

Arthit coolly nodded and put his phone deep in his pocket.

There was no way Arthit would spill such a secret. This was classified. Over his dead fanboy body will he let anyone get this information from him.


That same night, Arthit checked his jnstagram account before going to bed and scrolled down his feed.

There was a new post in instagram by Kongpob.

Just chillin' #friend
1 hour ago.

It was a photo taken in the cafe. The photo was a simple shot of his pink milk and the male's iced coffee.

Arthit cannot remember the instance that Kongpob lifted  his phone to take a picture.

Maybe he was just too focused on the guy's face to notice anything else. Gosh! He's such a fanboy.

He then closed his eyes buried his face on his pillow. He let out the scream he had been holding on since he got to talk to the male and enjoy every single second of it. His legs animatedly hit the mattress like a child full of excitement. He couldn't contain his feelings anymore. Arthit felt so giddy at his amazing day.

But when he saw the comments, beads of sweat started to form on his back.

There were a lot of comments asking whether he was hanging out with a girl. It was amazing and terrifying how one picture could create such a reaction.

He knew how vicious these fans can be. There was a video a few months back where a lucky fan had the opportunity to receive a hug from their idol. Unfortunately since she kept bragging about it, a couple of jealous fans 'taught' her a lesson and posted it online. The video has been deleted but the event still remained in people's minds.

These fans better not know anything about a certain fanboy being so close to their idol. That's when shit will hit the fan. (hint.hint.nudge.nudge. 😎)

Thank you! Thank you! For the love and support of this story :) I am in awe that in a couple of chapters, I reached more than 2000+ reads and 300+ votes. Thank you guys.

A short update for you guys.

edit: Btw. Choose one: for a fansite name
#kongposh, #warmkong or #pinkcoffee?


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