26.3 After the Heat

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"And I'm not stopping you."

Those words repeated over and over in Kongpob's head like a broken record leaving the younger speechless. He stared open-mouthed at the older male, who looked very cute right at that moment.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Arthit looked smug.

"You are not playing fair." Kongpob whined, leaning his head on Arthit's shoulder in defeat. His hands lingered on the older's bare skin, relishing the warm feeling of having someone this close.

Arthit only laughed at his reply. In such a rare occasion, the older male didn't shy away from Kongpob. He was relaxed and happy. Even with his skin bare, he didn't seem to mind Kongpob's hands touching him. In fact, the younger male's touch only made him realize how much his feelings had become so much more. He had truly fallen in love. Before, he would have feared this feeling, but he knew Kongpob. He trusted him.

Taking advantage of Arthit being shirtless, Kongpob playfully ran his hands all over the male's back, tracing from the edge of the man's pants up to the middle of his back.

"You can't say words you don't mean P'. You'll break my heart." Kongpob just can't get enough of how Arthit's skin felt in his hands. It was an addictive feeling.

"I'm sure you'll survive whatever gets thrown your way." Arthit replied with his eyes fluttering close. It was an automatic response when Kongpob's hands lingered on the middle of his back. Arthit didn't expect that it would be a sensitive spot for him. He was liking how Kongpob's hands moved and the heat it radiated on his skin.

"Not when it comes to you. You will be the death of me P'. Ai. Oon." Kongpob lifted his head and whispered playfully, punctuating his personal pet name for the older.

A hand immediately covered Kongpob's face and pushed him away. Kongpob made no effort in resisting. He knew that his 'P' Ai Oon' had gotten embarrassed. His actions were a little too much for the older male.

Arthit covered his whole face with his hands. He wanted to wear his shirt but it was lost somewhere in the living room. Plus, there was Kongpob who was still sticking closely to him, not letting him up from the sofa.

"You're making me want to smack you." A muffled reply came from his mouth.

Kongpob only laughed in response and got off the older male.

Arthit took this opportunity to get his shirt. Somehow, his shirt ended up at the far end of the living room. He picked it up and put it on with his back facing the other male.

The young celebrity made no move to put a shirt on. It was a strategic move. He had noticed earlier that 'his' man stared a lot if he's shirtless. He wanted to take advantage of that to get things moving faster. He was beginning to realize how much he was craving a labeled romantic relationship with his P'Ai'Oon.

"I wanna go on a date, P'."

Arthit turned around so quickly that he almost lost his balance. Was he dreaming? The university student wanted to slap himself to check if he was dreaming, but with all that happened today, it was definitely real. "A date? Are you sure that's safe? You know a lot of people-"

Was he ready for a date? Heck! It would be such a lie if he denied wanting to spend more time with the other male.

Kongpob ignored his worries. He was fully aware of the risks and he already had a specific place in mind where there won't be any people watching them. He pulled the older male back to the sofa and linked his right hand with Arthit's left. "Are you free next week?"

Arthit shook his head. "No. I have to submit the final draft of my thesis. I'm so dead if I don't spend the whole weekend on my paper. How about the following week after that?"

"Can't. I will be spending a whole month outside the country."

A frown immediately formed on Arthit's face. "I forgot about that..."

Kongpob was slightly confused. How would his P' know about his schedule? This was the first time he mentioned his trip overseas.

While thinking about it, he almost didn't hear the words that came out of the older male's mouth.

"I'm gonna miss you"

The male celebrity turned his head to face the other male. Arthit was facing the other way, hiding his face.

From the way the older male's ears were colored red, it was very obvious that the male had gotten embarrassed.

"Did I hear you say 'You miss me'?" There was that grin again that would send Arthit running if he just looked in his direction.

"I'm not telling." Arthit kept his face turned away. He had a gut feeling that something will happen if he looked.

Kongpob wrapped his arms around the older male and kissed the male's neck affectionately. It didn't matter to Kongpob if Arthit didn't say it again. He heard it well.

"I'll miss you too P' Ai Oon'"


This is all I can write after months of being unable to write. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I hope I can write the next one around the first week of 2019.
Thanks a lot for appreciating my story.

I may not respond often as I used to but I read every single
one of the comments. 

Thank you fellow fanboys and fangirls XD

signing off,


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