28.1.2 Sensation

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Good morning P'.
Be careful today.
P'Jane told me that they're publishing
the magazine today.
I'm getting jealous that I won't
be able 2 keep u all 2 myself.

starting 2 regret saying yes.
Thanks 4 d warning
come back to Thailand quick.

I told I P'
u'll get used 2 d attention.
it's not that bad.
u have me with u.
be back soon.

The first thing Arthit did that day was to grab a copy of the magazine in a nearby convenience store.

It was almost time for class so there weren't a lot of people in the store. He wore a hoodie over his uniform just in case someone might recognized him from the magazine he shot with Kongpob.

A relieved breath came from Arthit when he saw the front cover of the published magazine. It was a solo shot of Kongpob wearing a half-open shirt that almost showed the man's pierced nipples.

Arthit felt like a pervert while he stared at the cover. The man was just oozing with charisma and sexiness. He wanted to take Kongpob's shirt off and bite those tantalizing nipples! Goodness! He was starting to sound like Toota!

Shaking his head at the outrageous things his mind was conjuring, he quickly went to the counter and paid for the magazine.

The young university student felt like he was doing something embarrassing as he got out of the store with the magazine underneath his hoodie. He erased from his mind the mischievous look from the male cashier as he paid for it. It was as if he just bought a pornographic material even though it was just a fashion magazine.

It's just a magazine!

As he was going to his class, he eventually put it in his bag. He was planning on checking the magazine later when he goes back to his room. Arthit wasn't sure how he would react if he saw the pictures in public. His cheeks were already feeling warm at the potential embarrassment of his possible reactions. The male was 100% sure that he wouldn't be able to contain his feelings.

Arthit made a mistake of keeping his things accessible to his friends. Of what should have been a normal lunch with his group of insane buddies, it became a time he wished he could forget.

Arthit only left for a couple of minutes to buy his usual drink, pink milk and minced pork with egg. When he came back to the table where his friends were, the magazine he had bought early that morning was open for everyone to see.

Of course his friends would never let such a golden opportunity go. Teasing each other were their favorite past times. And they had the opportunity to torment him today.

They all acted like nine-year olds stealing something rated from their older sibling's bedroom as they were huddled over the magazine.

Let me die. Arthit thought in extreme embarrassment. His whole face was all deep pink in color. There was no denying how mortified the male was.

"Oh my! I didn't think Arthit was capable of being this daring. I think I'm gonna die." Toota commented with glee. He was having the 'thirsty' look that Arthit didn't want to see ever since it was his picture he was looking at.

"Calm your tits Ai'Toot. We're still in the first page. Go hyperventilate when we're at the end."

A flick of a finger landed on Bright's forehead. As usual, the party animal exaggerated his reaction, holding his forehead as if he was suffering from immense pain. "I'll sue you Ai'To-"

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