17 boy

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Kongpob didn't expect that when he saw his father, he would feel how much he missed his old man. He hugged his father tightly.

"I'm home dad. I missed you."

"Welcome back son. You have lost weight. Have you been eating well?" His father patted his cheeks, pinching the little fat remaining on his cheeks.

He now noticed that his father had aged a bit since they last each other. More lines were on the corner of his eyes and he looked tired. But even though he's tired, he looked really happy to see him.

He smiled back, unable to hide anything to his father. It was just him and his dad since his mother passed away a couple of years ago.

"Well... I was a bit busy."

He let his father do what he wanted. His old man can be quite stubborn so he let him do what he wanted. They grabbed a cab and headed straight back home.

The kitchen became filled of sounds of cooking as he and his father prepared for dinner. Kongpob helped out by washing the ingredients like he used to and his father did the cooking.

"Haven't you found anyone to cook with? You know I can't always be around here." Kongpob teased his father.

Kongpob's father stammered, his cheeks blushing. "You!- Ha- This kid. Still playing with your old man? Do you still want to eat dinner?"

Kongpob laughed, not a bit repentant. "Of course I do. Nothing beats your cooking"

"You should find yourself a girlfriend. Finding a girl that could take care of you would calm my heart. You see. Just because I wasn't there, you lost a lot of weight." His dad teased him back.

"Dad~" Kongpob whined. "I don't have time for relationships. I happy with having friends and my work. I'm enjoying the single life."

"Kids these days." His dad merely shook his head.

Dinner was great as usual. Kongpob had foregone thinking about diet and enjoyed his meal. His dad nagged about his lack of meat on his body and busy schedule. He didn't mind He understood that his father was just worried about him.

After dinner, he volunteered to do the dishes himself. His father let him be and went to bed. He too went too bed early. He didn't contact anyone, thinking it was the best thing to do for the time being.

 Kongpob was planning to be quiet all throughout the remaining days of rest given to him. But he couldn't. The following night, he sent a message to Arthit.

He got bored easily since he did nothing the whole day except stay in his bed and eat. Kongpob rarely had time to be lazy so this was something he indulged in for the day.

evening P'
I'm with my dad's.

oh! they gave u more rest days?

we were all shaken up by what happened.

that's good.u need more rest.
u doing ok?
how was the exam?
my back still hurts
but it's not getting worse
as for the test........

that bad huh?

she was really strict
this tym.
some1 cheated last tym

as long as u did ur best,
it's fine.
it's getting late.
u should rest.
and my dad wants 2 meet u
nxt time as a thank u

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