27.2 Missing You

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Okay... so Arthit was going to admit that he was missing Kongpob.

Yes. That's guy that covers the magazine that he buys.

Yes. That's guy that makes his heart pound like some damn high schooler.

Yes. That's guy that makes his cheeks turn red.

And yes again. That's the guy he couldn't deny having intimate feelings for.

And it has been about two weeks since they last saw each other. They have been both busy to meet.

He was busy with school and things are going great for his studies. His thesis was finished. He'll be having his oral defense in a couple of weeks and then, the only thing left to worry about was his internship. Until now, he still hasn't decided on which company he should apply.

As for Kongpob, a celebrity's schedule was no joke especially for a popular model and actor like him. The male had shown him once what it looked like and he wasn't envious about it. The male's sleep time was sacrificed a lot and most of the time, Kongpob would catch on sleep during the travel. He rarely had the luxury of sleeping on a bed for more than four hours.

How did Arthit know all these? From Kongpob, of course!

Even though they couldn't see each other, they kept in touch. Kongpob would always greet the other male good morning or good night.

Arthit would always sound like he wasn't affected by Kongpob's messages but every time he sees them, he was always in a better mood. There had been instances where he would smile in the middle of his classes just because he was reminded of his earlier conversation with Kongpob.

He must have looked like a damn lunatic. Good thing no one saw him or else, it would be another chance for his friends to make fun of him.

He was still such a fanboy for the younger male.

How is it in China?
11:04 PM

Arthit wasn't expecting a reply. He knew that the young celebrity has a lot on his plate right now. He just wanted Kongpob to know that he cares for him.

It's a lot colder,
I miss u a lot.
Wish u wer here
11:40 PM

Please kill me now! Arthit was flying in cloud nine. It felt so good to have the person you liked say that he misses you. What more when it's the guy you've been admiring ever since he broke out of the modeling and entertainment scene.

Calm down Arthit. You survived a heated kiss with the man and a lot of heaving touching before. You better calm yourself before you faint. It's only a freakin' message. No need to go gaga over it.

His personal pep talk somehow helped him retain his sanity. It was funny how the lack of personal interaction with Kongpob brought the inner fanboy in him back to life.

Wear something warmer if you're cold.
Stick close to your manager
when it's too crowded.
You might hurt or get lost.
Be careful.
And just ignore the noise.

He stared at his phone screen for a good ten minutes, wondering whether it was so out of character for him to say such words. It looked so cheesy.

Arthit bit his lower lip in contemplation.

It's not cheesy. Arthit told himself and pressed send quickly before he lost all confidence.

sent 12:02 AM

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