27.1 Shennanigans

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Nothing 'magical' or 'special' happened. Arthit went back to his dorm with his virginity intact.

The whole trip back to his dorm felt like he was floating. A lot of things have happened. The photoshoot. The kiss at Kongpob's flat. The moment after that... It was a lot for Arthit to digest.

All those things felt like it was going to send the young male straight to heaven with the way his heart was pounding even after the 30-minutes bus ride.

He was in such a good mood that his friends came out of nowhere and ambushed him. Arthit couldn't escape with Toota and Bright holding his arms and Prem blocking the exit. Knot was also there but he took no part in stopping him. He acted as a mere spectator, also curious about his thing with the male celebrity, Kongpob Suttiluck.

Arthit glared at all of them. They all ruined the glow that he was having. (I don't think this sentence made sense. Hahaha)

"Arthit dearest! How's your ass? Is it still intact or totally wrecked? Was Kongpob's tool as big as I think it is?" Toota was at times very careless when it comes to sexual questions.

Not only Arthit's face was red but so were their other friends. The words that came out of Toota's mouth was so embarrassing that Arthit lost it.

"Remind me again why I'm friends with you Ai'Toot!" Arthit managed to get free from their hold and immediately wrapped his hands around Toota's neck. He was going to render his big-bodied friend unconscious for asking such things.

Toota couldn't talk back. It was a wrong fashion choice to wear a scarf that day. When Arthit realized that his hands were not as effective as he thought it would be, he went for his friend's scarf.

It was chaos. Everyone panicked. Bright watched open-mouthed, horrified at the crazed look on Arthit's face and the red-facced Toota, fighting for air. Prem immediately went to Toota's rescue. He can't be a widower so early in his life.

"Now now Ai' Arthit. Let's not kill OUR FRIEND. Let's try to calm down and breathe." Knot tried a more nonviolent approach to appease Arthit.

They all should have known the dangers of embarrassing their friend. It wasn't even the first time he had done bodily harm to those who offended him.

When angry, it was hard for anyone to stop Arthit. Prem was having a hard time removing Arthit's hands on Toota's scarf.

"Hey, shouldn't you be walking funny?" Bright insanely asked out of the blue.

Knot and Prem didn't know if Bright was being heroic, but his words did the trick. Arthit slowly turned his head in Bright's direction like a doll before pouncing.

Bright shouted like he was slaughtered. No one helped him. All attention was on Toota who was now catching his breath with Prem and Knot by his side. No one minded Bright as they were confident that he'll survive. He always did. XD

One might wonder why no one from the other rooms in that floor made a complaint. It was as if they were used to it. This was not the first time this group of boys made so much trouble. The other tenants had also witnessed first-hand the horror of making the pink milk monster angry. They all cared for their lives. All they could do in their rooms was pray for the unfortunate soul being slaughtered outside.

Bright always knew best when to work his magic. Although he sounded like a pig being slaughtered. It wasn't as bad as it sounded. Arthit thought he was being dramatic. It was Toota who had gotten the worst of it.

Toota frowned as he stared at his reflection in his compact mirror. There was bruising around his neck, following the outline of his scarf.

After the whole thing, Arthit felt bad for acting the way he did. He had gotten carried away with his temper and ended up hurting his friend in such a way that he was so ashamed.

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