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Heads up! A nice cerealkiller22 volunteered to proofread my story so you'll be seeing updates of old chapters.

Hot dayumm... that was the the first thing that came to Arthit's mind when he saw the photo. He almost forgot that he was outside where people could see and hear him.

He bit his lip to make sure that he wouldn't let out any embarrassing sounds.

Kongpob is just too cool, Arthit secretly thought as he casually took another look over a cover spread of the actor when no one was looking. His heart even beat so fast in excitement as if he ran hard. This was what he was feeling on the inside but anyone who would look at his face would never realize that he was feeling excited. All they would see was a bored expression as he looked at the magazine.

He would rather eat a book than show this part of him to anyone. Plus, he had never been much of an expressive person. Even Arthit's friends had no idea that he was a fan. It was too embarrassing to admit his admiration for the male in both looks and talent.

Too engrossed with Kongpob's latest work, Arthit forgot to pay attention and missed his stop. He had an appointment with Prem to a photography exhibition as they were both photography enthusiasts.

Arthit got off the bus quickly and caught a cab, costing more money than he intended to, but he would rather pay more money than face Prem's wrath. Punctuality was something Prem demanded and with his temper, no one in his group of friends would dare to be late whenever they would meet with him. For Arthit who was always late, Prem was the only person he would wake up early for.

Arthit rushed as quickly as he could. He spotted Prem shooting lasers at his watch, obviously irritated. He pushed a smile to form on his mouth as he approached his friend.

"Where have you been? The moon? There's already a long queue." Prem grouched, pointing at his watch as Arthit arrived 5 minutes later than their scheduled meeting time.

"Sorry Ai'Prem. I missed my stop. Fell asleep without meaning to." He lied smoothly.

"Did you build those miniature blocks of yours again? I swear those things-" Prem began nagging again. Arthit had always been obsessed with building blocks since childhood. He would often spend hours immersed with them that his friends would have to drag him out of his room just to eat.

Arthit let his friend's voice pass through his ears like some senseless noise and got in line. There had been quite a number of people waiting in line just as Prem said. The photography exhibition will be showcasing works of celebrities that dabbled in photography, making it popular even for people who had no interest in photography.

He let his friend talk to his heart's content until they were able to get inside. Arthit wished he could bring his camera when he saw Prem and a number of people with their cameras with them, but he was afraid of getting into an accident and breaking it. He could not afford to have it repaired, or worse, replaced.

It felt like forever but they finally managed to get inside. There were a lot of people as expected. Photography lovers and celebrity fans alike have crowded the place, looking at the amazing works on display. Arthit looked around with a blank expression not showing how he really felt. He was like a little kid inside, enjoying the atmosphere with his friend who would stop every now and then, taking photos of the crowd.

Every now and then he would look at the crowd to see other people's reactions to the exhibits. He mostly looked at the featured works showcased but his attention zeroed in on a very familiar figure.

No way. Arthit's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even among the large crowd, he could identify that person.


 I have been planning to write this for months.
Let's see how it goes. 

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