25.2 model it.

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It has only been.... Arthit checked his watch and mentally calculated. It has only been 8 days 9 hours 16 minutes 37 seconds and counting since Kongpob asked him out on a date officially.

He wasn't freaking out yet. Probably, the whole thing hasn't sunk in yet. Plus, Kongpob was packed full until the end of the month. Arthit had enough time to acclimate to his new 'status'.

"Oi! New kid! Stop daydreaming and help me with these boxes!" A call from the back woke him up from stupor.

"Yes sir!" Arthit straightened his back at the loud shout and quickly picked up the boxes followed the older male to the side of the set where the equipment were being set up.

Aside from his new dating status, he's got a job! Rejoice! Thanks to Prem's connection, he managed to get a job as an assistant of sorts. Basically, he'll be helping around and learn the ropes. He's really determined to learn as much as he can and maybe earn a living for it.

All the thoughts of Kongpob were soon forgotten by the amount of menial work passed on to Arthit. There was almost no time for chit chat as the photographer and magazine representative had arrived. So many things were still needed to be done with so little people to help. Arthit had been running here and there just so they could start the shoot.

The shoot was for a popular fashion magazine, FIX, which targets women in their late teens to early 20s. He was familiar with the magazine as Maprang had brought it to school and talked about it with Toota.

Being the newbie, he had no idea who will be coming in today. From what he had heard from the other staff members, there would be two people coming in. They would be shooting the main focus of next month's issue. As for the theme of shoot, he had no idea. He had only been hired today so he didn't know much.

It was weird. Arthit checked the time on his watch. It already 10 in the morning. One of the models should have arrived an hour ago, but there was no sign of the model anywhere.

He glanced at Mim, the photographer who was in his late twenties and Ploy, one of the magazine's beauty assistant who looked a lot older. Despite the fact of the age gap, the photographer was arguing with her as if they were the same age. It was obvious that they were talking about the missing model. Arthit heard that this photographer hated late comers.

As the two argued, the photographer happened to look in his direction and caught his eye. Arthit was embarrassed being caught looking their way. He was supposed to be working not staying idle and trying to eavesdrop. For a second he was going to get scolded, but he was surprised by the words that came out of the photographer's mouth.

"You. Stand over here for a sec." The photographer gestured at the space in front of the camera.

The young male dumbly looked behind him and then pointed at himself. "Me?"

"Yes. You." The photographer almost rolled his eyes. "Quickly."

Arthit dropped whatever box he was carrying and hurried over. He stood in front of a plain white backdrop. He knew that this wasn't the main set since he had seen a lot of people moving things up on the other side of the set. The other parts where still off limits to him because he was new.

"Just stand there." The older male said as he looked behind the lens.

He stood there without a word and awkwardly looked at the ceiling. The click of the shutter surprised him.

No one said anything and let the photographer do what he wants. Arthit thought it was a test shot but after the older male looked at the photos, he looked at FiX's representative.

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