29.2 Fanmeet

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Of what the fans thought was the end, Girl's day Something played through the background and another performer entered the stage with a spotlight focused on her.

It was Jennie Panhan, a popular TV host in Thailand, wearing an exact replica of Girl's day's black costume including the feather ring.

At the first few seconds, Kongpob looked surprised at Jennie's entrance, moving a bit to the side to give way to her. Jennie acted like she owned the stage along with her backup dancers. 

When she glide her legs apart, people started screaming again. Who doesn't like a performance like this? Arthit had began clicking nonstop. 

Even though he's Kongpob's fanboy, he simply loves this performance. Instead of sticking to pictures, he changed the setting of his camera and recorded it.

At the one minute mark, Jennie challenged the male celebrity and as rehearsed they both danced during the chorus. Arthit heard a lot of voices getting hoarse at that point. He would not be surprised if someone fainted. He was shaking so badly at that point and was sure that the video would come out shaky.  

Arthit almost shouted in disappointment when the song ended to soon for his liking. 

Fans hadn't stop screaming as if injected with more energy than ever. 

Staff members from backstage then gave the two celebrities microphones. Jane, Kongpob's manager personally gave his charge a jacket while leaving Jennie without one, earning a few chuckles from the audience. 

"Am I invisible P'Jane?" Jennie put one of her hands on her hips. "Nong Kong, I'm cold. Hug me." And she did.

"Okay that's enough Jennie. You might not make it out alive. " The MC ruined her chance of taking advantage of the male celebrity. 

 Jennie pouted and reluctantly let go of Kongpob. "Hello guys! I'm the ever divine goddess and soon to be Kong's girlfriend, Jennie Panhan." She introduced with a playful grin and winked at the audience.

She provoking the crowd and some of them screamed "no" at her words. 

"You shouldn't be mean to my beloved fans P'." Kongpob told her with a sweet voice.

The fans all agreed loudly to this. 

"Speaking of Kongpob's beloved fans, it's time for another game, right? "

"Before I tell you guys the name of the game, we'll be randomly selecting participants with drawing lots."

8 numbers were called and no fansite masters were called. None from Arthit's fellow fansite owners seemed to mind. They were all immersed with having fun in their own way by taking pictures. 


All eight introduced themselves with their usernames, following the previous' fan's example.

"Kong your fans are so cute. Too bad they can't fit into my pocket." Jennie commented. 

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