Chapter 27: He Mean I Will?

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Ares's POV#AHHwp

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Ares's POV

Chapter 27: He Mean I Will?

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I venting out after I finished watching all the videos caught from the CCTV footages that I just received from unknown sender where I saw Hermes and Eulalia, torturing the guy. The guy who's actually tried to end my life once, the guy who's with Balthazar.

And after a couple of minutes, I saw Hermes say something before Eulalia shot the guy. Then the next video I saw Heracles, cutting, stabbing, shooting nonstop the unfamiliar guy until he satisfied. Is that really him?! What the hell is going on?! They're actually scary than I thought.

And the last video is actually a message from Cronus's father, Clitus Mohammed. “You think you're safe now? You think you're safe around those two-- Or should I say those psychopaths? You don't know them specially their dark sides, do you? I'm watching you Ares. And I know you're confused right now but don't be because soon I'll explain it to you one by one. So, see you soon.”

I honestly don't know how to react because there's so many questions running in my head like, should I be scared to him or to the twins? Even though I tried not to believe his words but the videos tells he's right somehow and I'm so confused right now.

Is it because they're being so nice to me that I didn't have time notice their other sides? That I didn't have the time to ask about that what happened to that guy? “Hey? Are you okay?” It was Helios who's with me the whole time and I can't say anything, I'm being speechless.

I'm so shocked and I didn't expect this, all I could do is to cry and let it all out and he just hugged me before he say, “It's okay. We can report this to the police for blackmailing you--”

“No!” I immediately said as I moved away from his hug.

“Right. I'm sorry..” As he take back his words. He can't just do that because first, I can't let just Hermes and Heracles go to jail-- You know, what if the police don't think twice to arrest them from killing someone?

Secondly, we can't just do that also because Clitus made himself clear, he's watching me and if we did that, then maybe the situation will become more complicated or worse? “I don't want to make the situation worse.” I said then my phone vibrates again.

And it's a message from Clitus, “I'm watching you, all of you. Remember that!”

“What do you want?!” As I typed my reply.

ARES HERMES HERACLES (BxB) #AHHwpWhere stories live. Discover now