Forty: Madilynn's Return

Start from the beginning

A low growl rumbled behind my lips and for a split second Molly was affected; her eyes wide and took a step back. 

Narrowing my eyes, I shouted, "Do you think I fucking care anymore, Molly?!" I didn't miss the frown she was giving me. "Do you honestly think I give a shit about you did anymore?! Because I don't!" 

The audacity she had to pout made me growl, especially when Molly prodded if I was really going to give up Ridge just like that. Just had him over so easily. 

Was this a fucking game to her?! My feelings? Ridge's? Was she that fucking bored with her life she had to mess with other people's?!

I growled, getting in her face and she yelped in surprise. "Like I said, I don't give a shit anymore. Ridge picked you. You got what you wanted. You took advantage of what happened to him and got on the bandwagon of whatever bullshit Mr. Beaumont fed everyone!"

Her blue eyes widened, blinking repeatedly.

I huffed, shaking my head that after everything that's happened this second time around, there was no use in fighting for mediocre things when there were more things at stake. I didn't have time for childish games. 

"Ridge and I are never going to be. I've accepted that. That's what you and Mr. Beaumont wanted and that's what I'm fucking doing! I'm giving up on Ridge. You need to finally get that through your fucking big head and let it the fuck go!"

I narrowed my eyes, growling through grit teeth. "You got the Alpha Female title you wanted along with the alpha male you are so desperately in love with, right? So now you need to fucking be an Alpha Female and stand up for the people of Carmel. They are the ones you are meant to protect!"

"What---what are you talking about?" Molly swallowed, frowning at me. I could hear a waver in her voice; clearly she was confused to what I was saying. 

Frustrated, I shouted at Molly that there was an army of wolves headed to Carmel as we speak and that I needed for Molly---as Alpha Female---to order an evacuation! That we needed to get the humans out and we needed to get them out now!

The Spirit World was testing my patience. I just knew it. Molly's reluctance to comply with my desperate request was frustrating me. My fists curled when Molly frowned, shaking her head and questioned what I was going on about. She said she didn't believe me and that I was just looking like a crazy person.

"Molly!" I shouted, making her jump. My brows furrowed, my voice strained as I yelled at her, "I know you and I don't like each other and that's fine! But please! Please help me just this once and help me save the humans!"

Molly just stood there. Her chin up and crossed her arms like a child. She shook her head that as Alpha Female she didn't have to do anything she didn't want and especially if it came from me. Instead, Molly smugly pointed out that it was me who was going to have to follow her orders.

As if she hadn't dug the knife in my back deep enough, Molly twisted it when she changed topic and "casually" mentioned while placing a hand on her stomach that she was sure the past few weeks ensured this time around she was having Ridge's baby. Her blue eyes twinkled that with how much stamina her alpha had and how many times they fucked it guaranteed an alpha heir. 

She grinned back at me, and I curled my fists, hearing their knuckles crack as I shook my head. I wasn't going to get through to this spiteful female. Not one fucking bit.

"Molly, what's going on?"

Molly turned around, stepping aside to show Ridge now in view. His concerned scowl in place as he approached. His parents were behind him. Molly rolled her eyes and looked at me while using a bored tone to tell Ridge I was being defiant and trying to threaten her again.  

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