Twenty-Five: Alpha Blood Vs Warrior Blood

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Those of us in the pack stood stunned. Our eyes on the Father and Son of the alpha family.  Not a word was spoken, and the anticipation was felt weaving through the crowd like a breeze.

Ridge's lowered his head as he was asked by his mom to back up. She held a hand out as the referee of the challenge, taking steps into the arena. Her son remained in his alert posture, staring at the other wolf with such intensity.

The alpha was still down, panting heavily. It wasn't until the Alpha Female had reached her husband, dropping to her knees beside him that  allowed Ridge to lift his head and ease out of his defensive stance.

Mrs. Beaumont was whispering to her husband, stroking his bloody matted fur and coaxed him to shift back. Slowly, and probably painfully from the wolf's whining, her husband changed back to human form. His human skin still bloody of the wounds inflicted on him.

The woman hovering above the alpha turned over with a small groan. He sighed, looking up at her and reached up to touch her face.

Mrs. Beaumont bent her head, cradling his face and kissed it repeatedly after wiping away some of the blood from the claw marks on his face. The man's face was clawed in every direction, his chest mirroring the same wounds and his shoulder bled from the large bite. It would definitely take a while for the healing process but if tended to appropriately, the alpha would recover in a week. More or less.

With a grimace, the alpha looked up at her as she sighed, asking him if he could sit up. Her husband nodded, and the Alpha Female helped him get to his feet. Mrs. Beaumont still had her arm wrapped around his waist with her other placed on his bare chest. She frowned as she muttered something inaudible to him.

I looked away from them to the wolf whose gold eyes were already settled on me. My heart rate spiked and I felt the corner of my lip curl up in a relieved grin. My shoulders lost their tension and I let out a long sigh.

Ridge trotted over to me, letting those beside me make room as the Beta approached. He shifted halfway over until he stood as a human in front of me. I felt my brother release me, his nervous vibes felt which was why Wade gave me soace. He didn't want to trifle with an alpha fresh out of a fight.

My gaze fell to the blood smeared on the Beta's skin. There were four claw marks slashed diagonally on his chest and partially on his neck. Ridge's right ear was bleeding and there was a deep gash on the side of his forehead.

Ridge didn't look as injured as his dad, despite what was in front of me. I peeked over where the alpha's face was covered in blood still, even though his wife tried to wipe it away with his shirt she held onto.

After taking in Ridge's appearance, I lifted my gaze back to Ridge's and my sigh came out kind of shaky.

Ridge lifted his bloody-knuckled hands to take  hold of the sides of my face. I wrapped my hands around his wrists and swallowed hard, tears of relief blurring my vision.

My mate stepped closer, resting his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes, thankful Ridge was OK.

"Gianna, my love..."

I smiled at the sound of his voice.

Opening my eyes, Ridge was grinning and muttered that he heard me during the fight. I winced, shaking my head in apology. Then I let out a huff that he was crazy to have challenged his dad like that out of the blue.

"I was so scared for you, Ridge! I---I didn't know what to do! I wanted to run in and help you, but---"

Ridge stopped my scolding with a hard kiss. I stepped closer after he tugged my face to his, and I gripped his bare hips. When he pulled back, Ridge raised an eyebrow that he made a promise to me he was going to protect me and this was the only way he knew how.

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