Chapter 83: Season Finale

Start from the beginning

Kashi's head shot back, teeth gritted to stave off panicked screams as his fingernails bit into his palms. That pain did nothing to deter from the anguish of feeling each nail be slowly and deliberately ripped off their roots. Veins bulged along his neck as he rocked violently, struggling in vain to reduce the unbearable pain. He looked to his hands, and sure enough, his nails were all intact, but still, he drowned in the torture, every cell in his body receiving a deliberate message, one he was not allowed to ignore.

Kashi wasn't sure when, but eventually, he couldn't stop himself from screaming out loud, cursing himself between bursts of anguish.

But then it stopped...

Kashi wasn't screaming anymore. But his mouth was open, and he could feel the telltale vibrations in his throat. He was still screaming... but he couldn't hear his screams anymore. Then he realized. It wasn't that he couldn't hear his cries.

He couldn't hear anything anymore. He'd lost his sense of sound.

Kashi's eyes soon followed, slowly losing focus of the frightened wisben who could do nothing but watch with a trepid gaze. Netear's hands shook with fear, as he was completely oblivious as to the cause of the daeben's episode, nor was he able to think up any solution of any kind.

Kashi forced a half-smile to reassure the wisben. It wouldn't do for the wisben to collapse now. Kashi might very well need his assistance soon.

A couple of torturous hours later, Kashi laughed weakly as the backlash took its first break. His throat was hoarse from the constant yelling, and though he couldn't hear himself, he knew his voice was beyond cracked. He felt something cold touch his lips, and he gratefully leaned back as Netear helped him to some water.

When done, Kashi allowed the alchemist to gag him. At least that should prevent him from accidentally biting his own tongue off. That would be a real bummer way to go.

Kashi swallowed hard and took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the second wave. He wasn't sure just how many waves there would be. The backlash could range from four hours to four weeks. Half the torture was not knowing how long it would last. If a specific time was given, he could psyche himself up with each passing minute.

But not knowing... Now that was the real test. This system was designed to discourage Out-of-Body training, a training method that could easily create Over-Powered (OP) characters in the game.

When people looked at Razznik, they saw an OP Demon King. Very few were—and would ever be—aware of the months of torture he endured to get to that state.

But I suppose that is the nature of kings—GhyaaAAA!

Without warning or ceremony, the torture resumed, ripping him out of his philosophical ramblings. This time the theme seemed to be fire, and it was all Kashi could do not to beg to be logged out as invisible flames burned him from the inside out.

 This time the theme seemed to be fire, and it was all Kashi could do not to beg to be logged out as invisible flames burned him from the inside out

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