Chapter 15

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Katniss POV

"Choose" What? "Choose" I see a knife and some cheese placed in front of me. Oh, this is like the faction test in divergent. Hmm... "Choose!" I pick up the knife and then everything goes black.


I wake up strapped to a chair. "Choose" I see Prim and Peeta in front of me. "The girl,the boy,or yourself?" What? They hand me the knife. I stand there,still. "Katniss",says Prim. "Prim" "Kill me",she says.

"No",I say.
"Do it"
"Do it Katniss!"
"I don't want you to die. And you and Peeta deserve a happy life together! You don't need me"
"Yes I-"
"No Katniss"

"Katniss kill me",says Peeta.
"No Peeta I ca-"
"Yes. Think about little Prim."
"I'm fourteen!"
"Shush Prim!",says Peeta,"Katniss no one needs me."

Then everything disappears and I'm on the beach. The beach?

"No one needs me",says Peeta. That time on the beach in the quell. "I do, I need you" We then kiss. Oh, how love my boy with the bread.

We release and again I am surrounded by darkness.

I am back with Prim and Peeta. I run to Prim and hug her, then I give Peeta a quick peck on the lips. I need to be prepared for what comes next. I have a feeling that this won't be over anytime soon.

"Sense you haven't chosen, someone else must face the consequences" Then two babys wrapped in pink blankets appear in the sky. My babies.

Peeta gasps. Prim starts to tear up. "Choose" "I can't" "Choose!" "Take me! Kill me!" "No Katniss",screams Prim. "Take me! Take me!",Peeta yells. "No Peeta!",I scream. "I told you Katniss. You are my life. I couldn't live without you. But I don't want any of our children dead. I will die for you. I love you"

Then Gale appears. "If I don't get my happily ever after then neither do you!" He then pulls out a gun. "No!",I scream but its to late. Prim is on the ground,dead. "No!",I scream,once again. "Ha! Killing her once was fun,but this! Ha! Killing her twice is marvelous!",Gale says with an evil smirk.

I'm then tied to a chair,while Peeta's tied to the wall. I let the tears escape, for I can't hold them in anymore. This is it. This is where I die. Gale walks in carrying to pink bundles. My babies!

He shoots them both without a second thought. He smiles with satisfaction. He killed my babies! "Ha! You think I killed little Gail?",he laughs. "What",asks Peeta. "I only killed Autumn. I would never hurt a hair on little Gail's head" "Gail?",I start. "Abigail. Little Abbey. Abigail. We're practically related!",says Gale with a smirk,"She's my child now"

He then shoots Peeta. "NOOOOO!!!!!! PEETA!!!!" The ropes from my chair then disappear and I collapse in a heap on the floor. My Peeta,my dandelion in the spring, is gone. This is it. I'm next. Gale puts the gun up to my head and I close my eyes. This is it. At least I'll be with Peeta,Prim, and Autumn. Oh,but poor little Abbey. This is it. This is it.

Gale pulls the trigger and...


"NOOOOOO! PEETA! PRIM! AUTUMN! ABIGAIL! NOOOOOO! DON'T DIE! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!",I scream, as I wake up drenched in sweat. Peeta isn't here. Wait. PEETA ISN'T HERE!!!

I get up out of bed and run out the door to the beach. Oh, please be okay.

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