Chapter 37

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Katniss POV

I've been neglecting this story...Forbidden Love is my main priority and favorite story to write. I'm sorry. Is anyone still reading this? I'm curious. Oh! And I have school next week. -_- Joy...


I get up from the table, running to the door.

"Gale," I say, "What are you doing here? I said it once, I'll say it again, I love Peeta and-"

"Please, Katniss, Please. Don't leave me like this."


"Kat-wait, is that a wedding ring!?" He gasps, grabbing my hand.

"Hey!" Peeta shouts, storming into the room. He holds a butter knife. "Leave her alone."

"A butter knife. Really?"

"You'd be surprised," I smirk, remembering my beloved Fandom.

"So you married this dick?" Gale asks me, changing the subject.

"Shut the hell up, ass whole!" I yell, ripping my hand away from his grip. "And we aren't married. Yet."

"You whore," Gale states, fuming.

I knife slices through the air and plants itself into the door way beside Gale's head.

"Get out."

I turn around to see Haymitch, holding a couple kitchen knifes.

"Oh, you still got that drunk bastard here."

"Get out, pretty boy, or I'll wipe that cocky ass smirk right off that face of yours," Haymitch says, holding up one of his knifes.

"Look, I...I need some help," Gale says, looking at his feet.

"What is it?" Peeta asks, clearly annoyed but willing to help no matter how much he hates Gale.

"My girlfriend had a baby. And...she died while giving birth. Now, I'm stuck with this baby and I don't know what to do," Gale looks into my eyes, pleading, "Please, Catnip."

I stare at him. A hard, cold glare. "No."

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