Chapter 9

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Katniss POV

I wake up and am confused. Oh, wait, I'm on the train, to district 4, with Peeta. Oh.

I can feel Peeta holding onto me tight as I rest my head in his chest. I focus on his heart beat for a while, then direct my attention out the window. Hmm. By the looks of it we're in district 5. ALMOST THERE!

Peeta's still asleep. I nudge him. Still asleep. I kiss his cheek. Still asleep. I kiss his forehead. He stirs. I then gently kiss his lips. He wakes up and kisses me back. I pull away. "Peeta" "mhm" "We're almost there",I say and smile at him. What district are we in?", asks Peeta sleepily. "5",I say.

We soon arrive in district 4. Its beautiful. Annie is at the train station when we get out. But someones with her...

"Katniss! Peeta!"

I then start running to Annie, but stop and go back to Peeta when I remember his leg. When we reach Annie she has a puzzled look in her face. "It's his leg", I say and Peeta lifts up his pants to show her. "He can't go very fast", I said.

"Mhm",says Annie."So.....WHERES FINNICK?!?", Annie asks/screams. "He wasn't on the train with us",says Peeta. "Oh", says Annie with a disappointing look on her face. "Don't worry Ann he'll be here soon",I say to reassure her. "Ok"

"I want you to meet someone", says Annie, glancing down at the baby shes holding. "This is Finn, me and Finnick's son."

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