Chapter 36

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Katniss POV

(I have done my research for the Donner/Undersee family(s). For characters with unknown names I have made up their names. Maine isn't in THG, she is my own made up character. Enjoy.)

"And then Madge threw the cake! It was hilarious," Says Peeta, laughing.

"That's nothing!" I exclaim, "Remember when Haymitch would throw beer bottles at you? God...almost got you a couple times."

Haymitch laughs. "Alright, calm it, sweetheart."

"One time this kid in my class, Issac, threw a pretzel at pig-faced Pansy's pig face!" Prim giggles, holding her hands over her mouth.

"My old girlfriend threw a book at me when I was late to pick her up," Says Haymitch, eating some Goose.

"Girlfriend?" I ask, "I didn't know you had a any girlfriends other than Effie."

"She died," Haymitch stared at his plate.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I say.

"It's okay...she...her name was Maine. She was sisters with Maysilee."

"Your district partner," Says Peeta.

"Yes," Haymitch continues, "She was also sisters with Mabel, Madges mom. Mabel and Maysilee were twins, inseparable. They were not only sisters but best friends. This left Maine alone. Until I came along.

"We were best friends at first, then slowly became more. I was 13 when I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes, of course. When I got reaped along with her sister at was her worst nightmare in a box with an ugly little bow on it.

"She came to me in the visiting room after the reaping, crying. I told her I would keep her sister alive, but she wouldn't have it. She told me, 'Mitch, you need to live, please! You're all I have. You can do this. I know you can.'

"She picked me over her sister. That was when I knew I truly loved her. So I told her. She kissed me and said goodbye, hoping it wouldn't be the last.

"I allied with Maysilee in the games. She was killed right after we split up. It was horrible. Sometimes I can still hear her screams.

"When I arrived home Mable was a wreak, never the same after her twin died. Maine was also sad, but not as much. I comforted her. I wouldn't do anything else. Not go to Snow's parties, go to the capital...I would not leave Maine's side.

"So Snow took over. He killed her," Haymitch puts his head in his hands, "He killed her."

Peeta, Prim, and I look at the broken man, silent.

Haymitch runs his hands through his hair.

"Then. I started to drink. I-"

A knocking on the door interrupts him.

"I'll get it!" Yells Prim, running to the door.

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