Chapter 16 - Secrets.

Start from the beginning

'"But... I,, -" I couldn't say a word right now. 

"Just don't let this go. If you ever let this go, I would come back and there is no chance for you and no space for me to back off." She wiped away her tears. "Sorry Jason, I know I ruined it," She walked off to the upstairs.

"Really babe? That was the reason?" Jason asked. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Jas, everything is going to be OK." Selena went on rubbing his back.

"I need time... To get over it." Jason went on.

"Come on." Selena took his hand and went away. 

"Ariana.." Harry placed my head against his chest. "You are stronger. I love you, We love you. We support you." He pushed me softly. Kissing my forehead. "Justin, it's your duty." He smiled and went upstairs. Talking to Perrie, maybe. 

"Baby.." Justin pulled me on his lap. "I know you can. Of course you can."

"I can't. I won't hurt Jason.." I stated, placing my head on his shoulder.

"If he loves you, He would let you go with one you love. I know, Jason is not that jackass."  He smile. 

*Flashback ends*

"Ari.." Jason waved his hands in front of my face.

"Oh, uh, y- yeah?" I responded.

"I know, you are thinking about what happened today. But if you want to-"

"NO. There's no fucking way."

"Why?" He asked.

"I have promised you. I am the girl of my words." I went away.

"Ari.." He grabbed my wrist.  "It's alright for me. As long as my Princess happy." 

"I-I am sorry." 

"It's okay." He smiled. He is the real man, The one that will be called Mrs Rodriguez is the luckiest girl ever. 

"Thanks. I love you. I promise." I hugged him. I love him. So much. 

"You have to." He whispered.

"I want to walk- No, I mean, I need to.. -"

"Find a peace of mind? OK. Go. Take care Princess." He kissed my nose.

"You know me very well. Jason, stop treating me like a child." I kissed his cheek. 

I am sorry Jason.

I walked out of the room. I have to ask Perrie to forgive me. I know,  I was wrong. I walked down the stairs, with my head down.

"Hey Ari, want to join us?" Louis asked. They are all rallied around, talking, playing and all. 

"No, thanks." I gave the best smile on my face then, walk away. 

As I step out of the house, I saw a blonde girl was standing alone. Yes, that's Perrie and Yes. I need to greet her. But how? OK I have to. 

I approached her. 'Perrie." I stood next to her. "Look, I-"

"No, I am sorry. I was acting like a bitch. I called you bitch, Yelled at you, Slapped you. It's okay if you won't forgive me." She smiled.

"Awe, It's okay. But I swear, that was hurt." I went on, rubbing my cheek pretending it's still hurt.

"Aw.. OK, You may slap me now. I am sorry." He went on. 

"Do you think I am going to let you go? NO." I said in a serious tone. 

"OK, what do you want now?" She asked.

I hugged her. I hugged Perrie Edwards. I know, she's kind of shock, I could tell. "Perrie, You know what? I had a sister. An older sister. But, at my 5th birthday, she passed away course of Cancer. Talking with you like talking to my sister. We were so close. But she dead. I am all alone." There was a tear fell from my eyes. 

She hugs me. "I will be your sister." Perrie went on. 

I pushed her slowly. "And I won't lose my sister." I smile as the tears fallen down my cheeks.

"You know, You will never." She smile, wiped my tears away.

"Thanks." I smiled.

She replied with a smile. I am happy now. But, not that much.

"I am tired, Tomorrow you guys have to perform right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Um, not me but them." I chuckle.

"Yeah, that's what I mean." She smile. "I need to go bed. Where you want to go by the way?" She asked.

"Want to take a walk." I smiled.

"OK. Take care and don't be late. Night sister." She smiled and went away.

"Night.." I replied. 

I walked down the street with a smile on my face. She is an angel. She is amazing. I thought she was the kind of girl that selfish and ignorant but my perception was totally wrong.  She is an angel. She deserves much better. GOD, bless them both. Perrie and Jason. 

I cough.

I cough.

I cough.

And cough.

Thanks God. Thanks for this man. This Smokey man. I can't. I hate the smell of cigarates. Yeah, I know that Zayn smoke but he'd never smoke in front of me. Of course, I warned him. 

I cough.

I cough.

Now, He's dead. 

"Oh Man!" I yelled walk in front of him.

He didn't care by the way. He didn't even look at me. He held his head down.

"You know what?" I coughed. "You are contaminating the environment?" 

"I know." He got his head up. 




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