
Seeing grandma's body was so hard. She didn't have the same smile she always wore on her face. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slighly open. She was wearing a white suit and her hair had been brushed. She didn't look happy anymore. But she was on her way to heaven, where she would be happy.

I held her wrinkled and now cold hand for a while before we had to leave.

When mum left the hospital, I insisted on staying. I just didn't feel like going home just yet. Mum understood and said that she would pick me up in the morning.

After she left I just sat in the floor. My back was against a wall and I just sobbed. I didn't care who saw me or thought that I was crazy. I didn't care about anything at the moment.

After some time had passed and I had calmed down a bit I got up from the floor and went to the restroom to freshen up.

I stepped out of the restroom that smelled exactly like a hospital and saw a familiar blonde boy standing behind the reception counter talking to a nurse.

My mother had probably called him and being the protective friend he is he wanted to come and get me out of here. Well I wasn't going to leave.

I quickly made an escape plan in my head and ran to the lifts. One of them opened and I hurried on pressed the button to the third floor. I let out a sigh of relief.

I turned around and saw that Niall had spotted me and was now running towards me. I cursed under my breath and pressed on the 'close the doors' button repeatedly.

I held my breath when Niall was aprroaching the lift I was in and the doors were closing.

At the last moment before the doors would have closed Niall stuck his hand in between of them and they opened again.

I cursed. I was trapped. I refused to make eye contact with him.

"Victoria, love, let me take you home." He spoke softly.

I shook my head and swallowed the lump in my throat." I'm not going anywhere."

"Please baby can we go somewhere and talk about this?" He suggested and came closer to me.

"I don't want to talk about it Niall." I said coldly and crossed my arms over my chest.

All of a sudden he picked me up and held me tight to his chest.

"Put me down Niall! I mean it." I spat but he didn't budge, he just kept carrying me towards the front doors.

He was getting on my nerves. Why can't he just understand that I want to be left alone?

I tried to get away from his grip but he was too strong.

"Is she okay?" I heard the receptionist ask.

"She's alright, she's just grieving ma'am." Niall answered politely and tightened his grip on me.

"No I'm not okay, could you please tell him to put me down?" I screamed.

To my surprisement he did and I landed on my feet.

"Thank you! Now leave me alone, will you?" I yelled and slightly pushed him further away from me.

Niall didn't say a word so I finally looked in to his eyes. He looked... hurt? His eyes were watery and and his whole expression looked heartbreaking. I didn't bear to see him like this; and knowing that I caused this.

At the moment I didn't care how sad I was. All I cared about was how to make Niall feel better. He was my other half, seeing him like this was killing me.

"I'm so sorry Niall. I know you mean well I'm just a mess right now." I cried and wrapped him in a hug.

He instantly hugged me back and swore it was alright. He pressed his lips against the side of my head and hugged me tighter while I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Let's get you out of here darling." He whispered and pulled away. I looked into his beautiful blue eys and he looked into my green ones. There was something macical in his eyes, they were like an ocean. They have see so much and experienced a lot.

"You two are adorable." The receptionist gushed. Oh dear not again. This is going to be awkward.

"Oh we're not dating." I said with a fake laugh. Oh how I wish we were and I could have blushed and said thank you.

"Oh I'm sorry, hope I didn't make this awkward. You don't have to rush with the whole commitment part, take your time." She smiled. Wow. Sh*t just got worse.

"No I don't think you're quite following. We have been best friends since we were little. She's like a sister to me." Niall said.

Okay that hurt. I knew it but it still was terrible hearing him say that out loud.

"Oh. Well I'm sure you'll end up together one way or another. I know love when I see one." She assured.

Niall and I just stood there awkwardly. Neither of us didn't know what to say.

The woman must have noticed the tension in the atmosphere and spoke:"Miss Reynolds, can I talk to you for a second before you two leave?"

"Uh.. Sure. Niall why don't you wait outside for a while, I'll be right there." I said.

Niall nodded and walked outside.

I turned to look at the woman behind the counter and she motioned me to go closer to her.

I made sure Niall wasn't looking and approached her. What was she going to say? Perhaps something about grandma?

"Just so you know, he really does love you. So don't give up on him. One day he'll let go of his man pride and be honest with you. He's just afraid that you don't feel the same, but you do, don't you?" She said.

"Yeah I do, but he doesn't like me like that. Did you hear what he just said? He thinks of me as a sister." I reminded her.

I can't believe her. She knows that my grandmother just died and she keeps talking nonsense about my best friend.

"He might have said that, but did he mean it? I don't think so. So don't hold back even though that's what your heart tells you to do. Follow your heart sweetie, you'll get there." She encouraged.

"You know what? You're wiser than I thought you were. I'll take your advice." I smiled.

"Thank you. And again, I'm so sorry for your loss, your grandmother was an amazing and a kind lady. I met her the other day when I was doing my night swift. She was an extraordinary woman." She said sincerely.

"Thank you. I know, she was my role model. She meant the world to me." I smiled half-heartedly while a tear escaped from the corner of my eye.

She gave me a hug. "You should go now, don't keep Mr. Horan waiting." She smiled.

I hummed and pulled away from the hug. "Thank you for everything."

"Anytime love." She said softly and I walked outside and found Niall standing there.

"Hey love, what was that about?" He said and took my hand in his.

"She just wanted to say something about granny." I shrugged.

"Oh. Are you okay?" He asked.

"I will be. Let's just go home, I still have to give Lucy her birthday present."

He nodded and lead me towards his car. It has been a rough day. Life is so hard sometimes. It will take some time for me to get over her death but when some of the pain has faded, I will find out about Niall's feelings about me.


This is so lame I know and I'm sorry. I promise that after next chapter things will get more interesting after Victoria gets over this. I know from experience that dealing with a loved one's death isn't easy. This is just part of the story and everything I put in this story is for a reason :)

So yeah like I said we will get some Nictoria action real soon xx

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