Chapter 16: The Hostage

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All my breath was forced out of me, jolting me up from my sleep. "ELLE WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?" Naruto screamed at me from his position on my stomach, his eyes blazing with anger. "just 5 more minutes mom." I responded in my dazed state. "I'M NOT YOUR MOM. WAKE UP!" I opened my eyes slowly to see a furious Naruto sitting on top of me. I looked behind him seeing Sakura and Sasuke supporting Kakashi's unconscious form. When I saw how battered they were, guilt sparked in me. I'm too tired for this, I'll tell them later. I spread a smile on my face, trying not to show my exhaustion. "sorry guys but I need to sleep. let's not talk about this now." Naruto growled angrily and got off me. He was making his way to the door but he stopped turning to look at me. "You're nothing but a coward, hiding in the bushes while your comrades fight for their life." with that said, he left the room. My eyes widened at his comment. He doesn't know anything. I swear it's for your own good Naruto. One day you'll understand. Even though I knew I was doing this for the best, it still hurt to see them like that. I didn't know what to do or how to deal with all the different feelings rushing inside me, so I did what my first instinct told me to do. I went to back to sleep.

I was only planning on sleeping for a couple of hours but soon a couple of hours turned into 28. The only thing waking me up from my short comma was the feeling of Kakashi's chakra fluctuating beside me. I got up tired and looked around only to see him training. "Look who's finally up." I smiled feeling slightly disoriented. "How long was I asleep?" he seemed to be thinking for a second before he spoke again. "about a full day." My eyes widened as I jolted up. I rushed to the bathroom to make sure I looked presentable. After about 5 minutes, I came back, running out, all showered and cleaned up. I looked out the window to see that the sun was starting to set. Oh no, I'm behind on my plans! I need to finish the next part now! "Elle, is something wron..." he was cut off before he could finish. "THE LETTER. I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT IT." He looked at me like I was insane as I rushed from the window to my bag. I took out a paper and a pen and started scratching things down. "What are you writing?" he walked over confused and looked at my writing. If I don't reach on time then the whole plan will be a failure. All my efforts will be wasted. I folded the paper and was about to jump through the window when Kakashi caught my ankle causing me to fall down. My teammates rushed into the room at the sound of the commotion, ready for a fight. No, I don't have time for this. "Kakashi let me go, I don't have time!" His eyes hardened and he shook his head. "I can't let you leave. You're on lockdown until I deem you trustworthy again." a pang of hurt rushed through me but I ignored it. I tried kicking his leg off but it didn't work. His grip wouldn't budge. "I have to go, please!" I begged frustration making tears well up in my eyes. His eyes softened for a second before they went back into their cold state. "Not before you explain." I shook my head struggling harder against his grip. "I can't. Not now. I need to go!" I screamed the last part, my frustration getting the best of me. He isn't going to let me go. What do I do now? I looked around the room trying to find an answer when my eyes zeroed on Sakura. The weakest link... I put my hands in the hand signs for the substitution jutsu behind my back so that Kakashi wouldn't see. Before he knew it, he was holding Sasuke's ankle instead of mine and I was standing with a kunai to Sakura's neck. I will never win if I fight him. Sorry Sakura but this is my only chance. Before Naruto realized what's happening, I slammed my hand into Naruto's neck making him fall unconscious. "I'm sorry Kakashi but I need to leave." I slammed my hand into Sakura's neck as well making her fall in my arms. As quick as I could, I bolted out of the door running into the forest. I can sense them coming close. I need them to lose my track and fast. I took out multiple kunai and wrapped pieces of my shirt on them, charging them with chakra and throwing them as far as I can. That seemed to slow them down but not enough. They're still gaining on me. like an angel sent to me, Haku popped out of the trees in front of me. "Remember that favor. Give this to Shikamaru of the leaf village. I promise you my team won't cause Zabuza any harm until you return." He seemed hesitant but after seeing my tired form he nodded and took the letter out of my hand. Part 4, late but check!

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