Twenty-Four: Ridge's Bold Move

Start from the beginning

A large part of me knew he was right. 

Everyone had been telling me something that I refused to believe in. I think maybe I don't believe it---or want to--- to avoid disappointment. But even my soulmate, the night before, had told me that it was time for me to realize I was just as strong as the wolf side of me.

I looked down at my bare feet, clenching my jaw and heard my brother heavily sigh, "You're really something else, Gigi..." 

When I looked up at him, Wade frowned as he asked if I'd heard from Ridge. I could feel my face get hot the longer my brother was staring at me. 

His hazel eyes narrowed in a curious manner, turning his head away slightly. He eyed me up and down before leaning his head forward and took a sniff.

I scrunched my nose, leaning away as I squealed, "Wade!" but my brother growled, "You little sneak! I can smell him all over you! When did you see him?"

I hushed my brother, glancing down the hallway to make sure no one else could hear our conversation. I sighed that the day before I snuck out of the house to meet Ridge in the forest. I bit my lip after explaining that we'd spent most of the night there before we separated to go home.

Wade ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes and groaned, "You're making it really difficult on yourself, Gigi. On both of you. Do you realize how much harder you guys are making it for you to leave now?"

Though I knew it was true, I didn't care---at the moment, anyway. 

I had just spent the best night of my life with Ridge and it was something I was going to treasure always. Even if I wasn't going to see him again... but I'd still have the memory. And Ridge was going to be the love of my life no matter what happens after today.

I nodded, agreeing that I did realize how hard it was going to be to leave today. 

My brother placed his hand on my shoulder, making me lift my eyes to his.

"Hurry up in there. I'm sure Mom and Dad want to eat with you one last time before you have to leave."

He smiled, though it didn't reach up to his eyes. "Plus... It might bring you some comfort that Cece is going with you, being Sawyer's mate and all."

I sighed, knowing that was true, but it wouldn't be the same. 

With the way Alpha Wilson looks at me, it was kind of obvious he might not let me interact with my sister as much as I'd want to. 

From Sawyer's stories of how the pack across the forest is run, the alpha cares about one thing, and that was order. It made me wonder how Nikko managed to live there all his life yet turn out the way he was. Sawyer, too.

"Okay. Give me ten minutes," I nodded, watching Wade enter his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

I took a deep breath, walking into the bathroom and shut the door. When I looked into the mirror, I placed my hands on the counter and leaned my face closer to my reflection. 

My nose scrunched as I concentrated on letting the blue coating seep over my irises. The radiant blue looking back at me made me wonder what it was that was going to happen now.

I was the Quail Wolf. I didn't know about them as much as I'd like to. Perhaps then I'd be able to get out of this situation I'm in, but I didn't. And now I'd be losing my family. And Ridge.

Thinking about him made my heart hurt. We'd had our ups and downs, especially with Molly, but I loved him with all my heart. 

I fell in love with Ridge so much deeper than the mate bond offered. It took just one week but in that short amount of time... I learned to love Ridge on my own. 

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